SOLD Items
General J.E.B. Stuart CDV

SOLD!!! A wonderful CDV of Confederate Cavalry General J.E.B. Stuart. This great Confederate cavalry leader rode rings around the Union cavalry but wasn't at Gettysburg when Lee needed him there. He was wounded at the battle of Yellow Tavern and died the next day in Richmond. Like his intimate friend Stonewall Jackson, Stuart soon became a legendary figure, ranking as one of the great cavalry commanders of America. There is no back mark on this CDV. In the opinion of Stephen Rowe, noted Southern photography expert, this photo was taken by Vanerson & Jones.

General James Longstreet CDV - Lee's Old War Horse

A great Carte de vista of Confederate General James Longstreet, Lee's Old War Horse. Longstreet graduated from West Point and fought in the Mexican War. He fought with the Army of Northern Virginia until General Lee sent him west. Longstreet and his army saved the day at the battle of Chickamauga and then he spent time in Eastern Tennessee. Finally he returned to General Lee's army and fought the rest of the war in that army. Longstreet's photograph is getting harder to find!

Confederate Colonel John S. Mosby CDV

SOLD!!! A nice CDV of Colonel John Singleton Mosby. One of the noteable Confederate officers of the Civil War. This CDV has been retouched and has "Gen. Mosby" on the bottom of the carte. There is no back mark..

General B.W. Palmer Texas UCV Post Card

SOLD!!! A great post card of General B.W. Palmer, Mountain Reminant Brigade, United Confederate Veterans. Written on the front of the card in white is "Gen. B.W. Palmer - Mountain Reminant Brigade - U.C.V. - 25th Reunion at Ballinger, Texas". Palmer is in his UCV uniform and is wearing his Southern Cross of Honor. These UCV photo postcards are getting hard to find.

Full Standing Zouave CDV Bowdin Taylor Backmark

SOLD!!! A very hard to find full standing CDV of a Civil War union soldier dresses in a zouaves uniform! The back mark is "Bowdoin, Taylor & Co., 204 King.Cor. Columbus Street, Alexandria, VA". Written on the back of the CDV in modern pencil is "114 PA - Collins Zouaves". This image was on the dead board at one time. There is a small amount of damage at the bottom of the CDV.

44th New York "Elmsworth Avengers" Flag CDV

A great CDV of the flag of the 44th New York Infantry. The 44th New York was nicknamed the "Elmsworth Avengers". This great CDV shows the bullet riddled flag of the 44th New York. This CDV is signed by J.B. Storm who is James B. Storm, Co. A, 44th New York. Storm was wounded at Fredricksburg and Gettysburg! Don't miss this great CDV.

Confederate Cannons overlooking River @ Vicksburg

SOLD!!! A great CDV of Confederate cannons overlooking the Mississippi River at Vicksburg. Outdoor photos of Vicksburg are very hard to find. There are two cannons with stacked ammunition next to the cannons. Look at the grape shot! There is no backmark.

Civil War Tin Clad Naval War Ship CDV

SOLD!!! A really neat CDV of a Civil War naval tin clad war ship. You can see how the steamship was converted to a war ship. There is no backmark. I haven't located the name of this ship yet but when I do.....

Capt. John G. McKean 19th Arkansas Infantry Group

SOLD!!! I just picked up an Arkansas group at the Chicago show last weekend. There is one original photograph of Captain/Major John G. McKean, 19th Arkansas Infantry, 13th Battn Cavalry, and somewhere I read he might be involved with the 5th Arkansas in the early war( I haven't been able to verify this.) . Also with the picture is a program type item to his funeral. Inside is a black piece of crepe. A cabinet card type death card is included and two modern photos of McKean. One photo is before the war and the other has him sitting with a black. He is wearing his UCV uniform. Also his obituary in the local paper(original) is included. I have attached photos. Captain McKean lived in De Queen, Arkansas after the war. I have found references to him as Chaplain and Adjutant of the Camp John Morgan, No. 448, U.C.V. The photo of Capt. McKean and the black man is on KODAK paper. The black man's name is Lit Polk who had been a slave owned by the McKean family. In the packet of information I received with the photo, this was included. "Lit and I got aquainted with each other over 60 years ago on the 3rd day of April, 1837. Lit was about 7 years old. I had just entered upon the first stage of human existence. We were pretty intimately associated from this time on, even through the perilous days of the war when I "sought the bubble reputation, even at the cannon's mouth." There is much more information. I have been able to pull two Civil War Historical data records on Captain and later Major McKean. I also found two references to Captain McKean in the "Confederate Veteran" magazine. The younger photo is on photographic paper but it has no watermark. I have seen the earlier photo of Capt. McKean and Lit somewhere before but I have not been able to put my fingers on it. It is not in the "Confederate Veteran" or "Portraits of Conflict - Arkansas".

Dr. J.M. Jones holding Model 2 S&W Pistol CDV


A great CDV of Dr. J.M Jones holding a 32 caliber Model 2, Smith & Wesson pistol. On the back of the CDV is "Dr. J.M. Jones" in period ink and "Vburg" in period pencil. It is likely Dr. Jones was located in Vicksburg, Mississippi. There is no backmark on the CDV.

Fort McAlistar, Savannah, Georgia CDV

A great outdoor CDV of Fort McAlistar in Savannah, Georgia. A 32 pound cannon is pointing out to sea. A man stands behind the cannon. The CDV has a Sam Cooley, 10th Army Corp, Beaufort, S.C. backmark. Savannah, Georgia CDVs are getting very hard to find.

John Wilkinson, 11th Iowa Infantry CDV

SOLD!!! A nice CDV of John Wilkinson. Wilkinson was mustered into Co. K, 11 Iowa Infantry in October, 1861. He re-enlisted January 1, 1864 and was mustered out July 15, 1865. He was promoted to Corporal and then Sergent during his service. The 11th Iowa was in Crocker's Brigade and fouth in most of the western battles - Shiloh, Vicksburg, Atlanta. The image is ink signed on the front and back.

Thomas Armstrong, 11 Iowa Infantry CDV

SOLD!!! A nice CDV of Thomas Armstrong. Armstrong was mustered into Co. E, 11 Iowa Infantry in October, 1861. He re-enlisted January 1, 1864 and was mustered out July 15, 1865. The 11th Iowa was in Crocker's Brigade and fouth in most of the western battles - Shiloh, Vicksburg, Atlanta. The image is ink signed on the front and back.

General Zachariah C. Deas, Confederate General CDV

SOLD!!! A nice post war CDV of General Zachariah Deas. General Deas was born in Camden, South Carolina but moved to Mobile, Alabama as a youth. He fought in the Mexican War and equipped at his own expense the 22 Alabama Infantry after Alabama joined the Confederacy. He was wounded at Shiloh. He was promoted to general in December, 1862. He led his brigade of five Alabama regiments at Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Chickamauga, and in all the subsequent engagements of the Army of Tennessee.

Two Men with gun sitting on Lookout Mountain CDV

A super CDV of two men sitting on Point Lookout on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. The older man is writing with a pencil on a pad. The youner man has a pistol sitting on the rock and he is holding a pair of binoculars. On the back of the CDV is a prayer and "Grandfather Woodell & Jim Will Smith" written in ink. A great image!

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