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Brigadier General Elias Smith Dennis CDV

A hard to find image of General Elias Smith Dennis.  The image shows Dennis in his General's uniform.  Written on the back of the image in period ink is "Brig. Genl. Dennis - Comdg, 1st Div. - 17th A.C. - The hero of Britton's Lane".
Dennis served in both houses of the Illinois legislature between 1842 and 1846,  In the 1850's he was a U.S. marshal in the Kansas Territory.  He mustered in the 30th Illinois Infantry as Lt. Colonel in August, 1861.  He was commended at Fort Donelson and became COlonel of the 30th Illinois on May1, 1862.  He was promoted brigadier general on November 29, 1862.  He served under General John Logan in McPhereson's 17th Corp.  After the war he was breveted Major General for gallant and meritorius services at the capture of Mobile. 

General Frederick Steele CDV with Little Rock, Arkansas Backmark

An 1843 graduate of West Point, Frederick Steele fought with distinction in the Mexican War, winning the brevets of first Lieutenant and Captain.  He was appointed colonel of the 8th Iowa Vols on September 23, 1861.  He advanced to brigadier general on January 29, 1862.  He took part in the campaign in Arkansas in 1862 and participated with General Sherman in the Chickasaw Bayou campaign in late 1862.  He was also present at Arkansas Post.  In Grant's campaign for Vicksburg, Steele commanded a division of the 15th Corps.  After Vicksburg, Steele was put in command of all the U.S. forces in Arkansas.  He captured Little Rock in September, 1863 and collaberated with General Banks in his ill-fated Red River campaign.  In 1865, Steele commanded a divsion under R.S. Canby, in the campaign against Mobile.  At the end of the hostilities he was sent to Texas and made Colonel of the 20th Infantry.  Steele died in 1868.
This is a nice image of General Steele in a standing three quarter photograph.  General Steele is standing in his generals uniform and he is wearing gloves.  The backmark on this image is "From Brown's Gallery, corner of Main & Markham streets, Little Rock, ARK.".

Confederate Soldier Tintype

A nice tintype of a Confederate soldier.  The image is a 6th plate and is housed in a leather case.  The case has the closing hooks.  There are some scuffs on one side of the case.  On the upper lert side of the image, there is some damage to the actual image.  It does not effect the Confederate soldiers image.  There are some dings and scratches but over all a good Confederate image for a fair price.   

Confederate Officer seated on Lookout Mountain CDV


A great photograph of a Confederate officer seated on Lookout Mountain with two Union officers.  Obviouly this officer was captured in the battles around Chattanooga but had enough Union friends to allow him to be photographed on Lookout Mountain.  Since most the Confederates were long gone when the photographers showed up, you don't often find an image of a Confederate on Lookout Mountain.  The backmark on the image is "S.M. Fassett's New Gallery, 114 & 116 South Clark Street, Chicago.".  If you are a Lookout Mountain collector, here is an opportunity that will not present itself again for quite some time.  This image came out of a 40 year collection and probably will go back into another 40 year collection! 

Civil War Marine Lt. Henry Clay Cochrane, on Lookout Mountain CDV

An incredible outdoor photograph of a Civil War Marine officer seated on Lookout Mountain.  The Marine officer is Lt. Henry Clay Cochrane!  He is one of the early, famous Marine career officers.  The image has Cochrane seated on Lookout Mountain with the Tennessee River in the background.  He is dressed in his Civil War Marine Officers uniform.  A blue 2 cent tax stamp is on the back.  The CDV is signed by Cochrane.  Signed in period ink on the back of the image is "Truly yours, H.C.Cochrane - USMC - Lookout Mountain, April 20, 1865".  Take some time a read about Cochrane.  He really had an interesting Marine career.
Henry Clay Cochrane was born in the city of Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania on November 7, 1842. He was the second son of James and Sarah J. (Gillespie) Cochran.   He was educated at local schools and in Philadelphia.

In 1860, he left school at age 19 in order to pursue a teaching career in the Chester schools. In his younger years he had exhibited a keen interest in genealogy and at the start of his first teaching assignment he added an “e” to his surname... “believing this to be the traditional and historical spelling of the name. Thereafter, he referred to himself and to his family by the spelling Cochrane, although his father never adopted the change.”

At the start of the Civil War Henry Clay Cochrane left his teaching position and joined the Union forces.  He applied for a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps and was examined, accepted, and appointed to the Marine Corps from Pennsylvania on August 29, 1861. On the day after he was commissioned 2nd lieutenant on August 30, 1861, he was found to be under the required age and the commission was revoked. He volunteered for duty in the U.S. Navy (until he could attain the legal age for commissioning) and served as a warranted Acting Master’s Mate, beginning September 7, 1861. He was assigned to the United States Receiving Ship NORTH CAROLINA for instruction in gunnery at New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York. He transferred to the steam gunboat PEMBINA in October 1861 and was in the Du Pont expedition and battle of Port Royal on November 7, 1861. This was the first of a series of Civil War battles in which he participated; the capture of Beaufort, South Carolina; St. Helena Sound, November 1; Tybee Island, Georgia, December 10; battle of Port Royal Ferry, South Carolina, January 1, 1862; in action against the Confederate Thunderbolt Battery, Warsaw Sound, near Savannah, GA; in expedition to Cumberland Sound, GA, and St. John’s River., the capture of Fernandina, FL., and Jacksonville, FL, etc.

He was appointed second lieutenant (confirmed on March 10, 1863) while on blockade off Mobile, Alabama, and was ordered to Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., in May 1863. On November 17, 1863 he accompanied President Lincoln to the dedication of Gettysburg Battlefield Cemetery.  By 1865, he was in command of the Marine Detachments on board BLACK HAWK and TEMPEST.

He was commissioned first lieutenant on August 20, 1865; stationed at Headquarters, Marine Corps 1865-1866; in charge of prisoner of war Confederate Admiral Raphael Semmes from January to April 1866.

He was stationed at Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, PA, 1866 to 1868. Assigned to the steamer SARANAC, North Pacific Squadron, 1968-69; on board the sloop JAMESTOWN, Pacific Fleet, cruising in Polynesia, 1869-71. Assigned to Marine Barracks, Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, PA, 1871-72; assigned to recruiting duty in New Jersey, Delaware and Philadelphia, PA, during 1872; placed at the head of the grade of first lieutenants of Marine Corps by the Secretary of the Navy, March 11, 1873; assigned to recruiting duty at Richmond, VA and Baltimore, MD., 1873; assigned to the Marine Company, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 1874-75; served as Judge-Advocate, first general court martial of naval cadets under the “hazing law,” October 1875; assigned to steam-sloop PLYMOUTH, North Atlantic, West Indies and Centennial Exposition of 1875-78; on the cruise of PLYMOUTH five hundred miles up the Mississippi River to Vicksburg, spring of 1877; assigned to command the United States Arsenal Penitentiary, Washington, DC, July 1877 (during the labor riots); assigned to Marine Barracks, Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, PA, 1878-79.

Commissioned captain on March 16, 1879; assigned to Marine Barracks, New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York, 1879; assigned to Marine Barracks, Norfolk Navy Yard, 1880; Fleet Marine Officer on board LANCASTER, European Station, 1881-84; present at the bombardment of Alexandria, Egypt, by the British Fleet, July 1882, landing with 70 Marines to assist in suppressing arson and pillage and to re-establish the United States Consulate. He was present at the coronation of Czar Alexander III at Moscow, May, 1883; commanded a company of Marines in expedition from New York to restore order and protect traffic in the Isthmus of Panama, 1885; rebuilt and commanded Marine Barracks, Pensacola, Florida. 1886-89; commanded Marine Barracks, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Massachusetts; assigned to command Marine Barracks Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, Pennsylvania, 1890; commanded Marine Barracks, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, 1890-91; assigned to flagship PHILADELPHIA as Fleet Marine Officer, Pacific Station, 1894-96; commanding Marine Barracks, Naval Station Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, and at the Naval War College, 1896-98; Promoted major, February 1, 1898;  On April 19, 1898 he joined the newly forming 1st Marine Battalion at New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York from Marine Barracks, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Seavy Island, Kittery, Maine; promoted to second in command of the 1st Marine Battalion (Reinforced) at Camp Sampson, Key West, Florida, due to the hospitalization of  Senior Major Percival Clarence Pope, Executive Officer, just prior to the deployment of the battalion to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on June 7, 1898; engaged at Camp McCalla against Spanish infantry and Cuban irregulars from June 11 through June 14, 1898; with the battalion on board U.S.S. RESOLUTE at the bombardment of the city of Manzanillo, Cuba, August 12, 1898. Returned to the U.S. with the battalion via Guantanamo Bay to Camp Heywood, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Seavey Island, Kittery, Maine. After the dissolution of the battalion in September 1898, he was reassigned to command the Marine Barracks, Newport Naval Station, Newport, Rhode Island.

Promoted Lt. Colonel, March 3, 1899 and transferred to command Marine Barracks, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Massachusetts.

Promoted Colonel, January 11, 1900; ordered to command the First Regiment of Marines in the U.S. Relief Expedition, operating in China at Tientsin, China; embarked with the First Regiment for duty at Cavite, Philippine Islands; assigned to command the First Brigade of Marines, January 10, 1901; later assigned to command Marine Barracks, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Seavey Island, Kittery, Maine.

On March 10, 1905 Colonel Cochrane was placed on the retired list.

On April 13, 1911 Colonel Cochrane was promoted to Brigadier General (Ret.), to rank from date of retirement.

Brigadier General Henry Clay Cochrane died at Chester, Pennsylvania on April 27, 1913 and was buried on April 30 in Chester Rural Cemetery.

General Thomas and his Staff on Lookout Mountain CDV

A wonderful image of General George Thomas and his staff standing on Lookout Mountain.  There are six Union generals in this photograph!  The people in this image are from left to right, General John Haskel King, General George Thomas, General Zealous Bates Tower, General James Lowry Donaldson, General John Milton Brannon, D.R. Cooper, Engineer Merrill, General William Dennison Whipple, Lt. Kelly, and Lt. Kello.  Just try to find an outdoor Civil War image with this many generals!!!!  All standing on Lookout Mountain overlooking the Tennessee River.  Do I need to write anymore?!

General J. B. McPhereson CDV with Vicksburg Backmark!

A great image of General J.B. McPhereson taken at Vicksburg, Mississippi after the seige!  McPhereson has a steelygaze.  Under the image on the frontis printed "Maj. Gen. J.B. McPhereson - Entered according to the Act of Congress A.D. 1863, by Barr & Young, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the U.S. for the So. District of Ohio.".  The backmark is "Barr & Young, Army Photographers, Palace of Art, Vicksburg, Mississippi".

Maryland Confederate Monument at Winchester, Virginia CDV

A great image of the Maryland Confederate Monument located in the Stonewall Confederate Cemetary, Mt. Hebron Cemetary, Winchester, Virginia.  This is an extremely early photograph of the monument.  The image was photographed by J.B. Wortham, a prominent Virginia photographer. 

Unknown Confederate Soldier Monument at Winchester, VA CDV

A neat CDV of the Unknown Confederate Soldiers Monument at the Stonewall Confederate Cemetary, Mt. Hebron Cemetary in Winchester, Virginia.  The photographer was J.B. Wortham, a well know Virginia photographer.  The image was photographed just after the monument was erected in 1879. 

Brigadier General on Horse on Lookout Mountain CDV!!!

A truley unique and interesting photograph.  This wonderful Lookout Mountain image has a brigadier general with his staff seated on horses.  The photograph was taken by R.M. Linn.  A fantastic image.

Captured North Carolina Confederate Howitzer CDV


A nice CDV of a 12 pound smooth bore brass howitzer captured by the 17th New York Infantry at the battle of Hanover Court House.  The howitzers original owners was the Branch Artillery, 3rd North Carolina Light Artillery.  The image shows the howitzer and it's limber in the fore front and the 17th New York soldiers standing behind the howitzer.  The Colonel of the 17th New York is standing in the middle of the photograph, directly in front of the tent.  Written on the back of the image is "Brady's Albumen Gallery. No. 417.  12 lb. Howitzer, captured by 17th Regt. N.Y.V. - Col. H.S. Lansing, At the Battle of Hanover Courth House, from Captain Latham's Rebel Battery, weight 1458 lbs."  Written in pencil on the left side of the image is "Date of Capture May 27, 1862".  Captain Alexander C. Latham, from Craven County, North Carolina, enlisted as a 1st Lieutenant on July 1, 1861.  He was mustered into "B" Co. North Carolina 1st Light Artillery.  He was promoted and commisioned into "H' Co. North Carolina 3rd Light Artillery on January 20, 1862.  He resigned September 16, 1863. 

World War 1 Signal Corp Framed Photograph

A really nice photograph of a World War 1 signal corp soldier framed.  The soldier has his World War 1 uniform on with a large hat.  Crossed flags insignia are in his collar holes on his uniform.  The photograph is approximately 7 3/4 inches by 3 3/4 inches.  The frame measures approximately 10 3/16 inches by 5 1/2 inches.  Old wire is on the back of the photograph for hanging.

General Meade's Headquarters Gettysburg Photograph

A great photograph of General Meade's headquarters at the battle of Gettysburg.  This is the farmhouse Meade picked to set up his battle headquarters during the battle of Gettysburg.  A dog and two roosters grace the front of this photograph.  The monument to the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Rush's Lancers) Company E & I is seen to the left of the headquarters.  Written onthe front of the image is "Meads Headq"s - Gettysburg PA.".  On the back of the image is the story of Jennie Wade.  Unfortunately a small chunk of the story has been pulled off the card.  The photograph is approximately 5 1/2 inches by 3 7/8 inches and the card is approximately 6 15/16 and 5 inches.

Denver, Colorado Cabinet Card by W. H. Jackson

A wonderful cabinet card of Denver, Colorado in the 1880's!  Downtown Denver can be seen in the photograph.  The Colorado State house is on the left hand side of the photograph.  The wall of mountains with snow is in the background.  "W.H. Jackson & Co. Photographers of Rocky Mountain Scenery - Denver, Colorado" is printed on the back of the card.  The photograph is approxiamtely 6 1/2 inches by 4 1/8 inches.  The card is approximately 7 inches by 4 1/2 inches.  W.H. Jackson is one of the most famous photographers of the West.  A wonderful opportunity to own one of his images at a reasonable price.

7th United States Regular battery at Gettysburg Photograph

A wonderful photograph of the canon marking the location of the 7th United States battery at Gettysburg.  Three canon are in the forground and you can see lots of monuments in the background.  Written on the back of the card is "7th U.S. regular battery" in period ink.  The image is approximately 4 3/4 inches by 3 5/8 inches.  The card the photograph is on is approximately 6 1/2 inches by 5 1/2 inches. 

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