SOLD Items
Colonel E.D. Hall and Wife - 46 North Carolina Infantry Albumen Photograph


A nice photograph of Colonel E.D. Hall and his wife of the 46th North Carolina Infantry.  The actual photograph is approximately 7 1/2 inches by 5 inches.  The card is 8 inches by 5 inches.  On the back in pencil is "Col. E.D. Hall & wife Sallie London Green Hall".

Edward Dudley Hall

Residence New Hanover County NC; 
Enlisted on 5/16/1861 at New Hanover County, NC as a Captain.

On 5/16/1861 he was commissioned into "H" Co. NC 18th Infantry 
He was transferred out on 8/17/1861

On 8/17/1861 he was commissioned into Field & Staff NC 7th Infantry 
He was discharged for promotion on 4/4/1862

On 4/4/1862 he was commissioned into Field & Staff NC 46th Infantry 
He Resigned on 12/31/1863
 (Resigned to accept job as Sherrif of New Hanover County, NC)

* Major 8/17/1861 (As of 7th NC Inf)
* Colonel 4/4/1862 (As of 46th NC Inf)
* Colonel 4/4/1862 (As of Co. S, 46th inf)

Other Information:
born 9/27/1823 in Wilmington, NC

(Died in June, 1896)

After the War he lived in Wilmington, NC

Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.:

 - North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster
 - Confederate Military History
(c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @

Colonel Edward Dudley Hall, the first commander of the Forty-
sixth regiment, North Carolina troops, was born at Wilmington, 
September 27, 1823, the son of Edward Pearsall Hall, a prominent 
man of the Cape Fear region.  He was educated at Donaldson 
academy, and in 1845 was married to Susan Hill Lane, of 
Wilmington, who died in 1850, leaving one son.

He subsequently married Sallie Loudon Green, daughter of James S. 
Green, by whom two sons and three daughters are living.  Early in 
manhood he began an active career in politics as a Democrat, was 
elected to the legislature in 1846, and as sheriff in 1852, an 
office in which he was retained for eight years.  In 1861 he 
raised the first company of volunteers in that part of the State, 
with which, as captain, he was mustered in with the Second 
regiment of volunteers.

Upon the organization of the Seventh regiment, State troops, in 
August, 1861, he was commissioned major of that command.  At the 
battle of New Bern, March 14, 1862, he was distinguished for 
gallantry in the bayonet charge of his regiment, by which the 
enemy were driven from the breastworks at Fort Thompson and a 
section of Brem's battery retaken.

Soon afterward, on account of the fame which he gained on this 
occasion, he had the honor of being elected colonel of the Forty-
sixth, then forming, though he was personally acquainted with but 
one man in the regiment.  Going into Virginia with this command 
he was assigned to Walker's, afterward Cooke's, brigade, and 
served in all the battles of the army of Northern Virginia up to 
December, 1864, when disability compelled his resignation.

After the wounding of Colonel Manning, he commanded the brigade 
at Sharpsburg and was commended by his superior officers for his 
efficient service in this capacity.  At Fredericksburg, after the 
wounding of General Cooke, he was in command of his brigade at 
Marye's hill, where he fought with Cobb's brigade, repulsing six 
attacks of the enemy.  He declined promotion to brigadier-
general, though urged upon him by A. P. Hill.

During the Gettysburg campaign he rendered conspicuous service on 
the South Anna river.  After his return home he served one year 
as sheriff, and in 1866 was elected to the State senate.  He was 
a delegate to the first Democratic convention after the war, and 
was nominated for lieutenant-governor on the ticket headed by 
Judge Thomas S. Ashe.  In a campaign which required fearlessness 
to conduct he was very active.

In 1883 he began a term of four years as mayor of Wilmington, and 
was subsequently elected chief of police.  For three years he was 
special inspector of customs for the Wilmington district, and 
during the four years preceding the final failure of his health, 
he held the position of major-general commanding the North 
Carolina division, United Confederate veterans.  His death 
occurred in June, 1896.

Source:  Confederate Military History Vol. V p. 524

84th Indiana Infantry Reunion Photograph - Badge Grouping - Dunkirk, Indiana

 A nice grouping of a reunion photograph of the 84th Indiana Infantry at their reunion held in Dunkirk, Indiana in 1908.  Also in the group is the badge from the same reunion in 1908 at Dunkirk, Indiana.  The photograph is approximately 7 inches by 5 inches.  It is attached to a gray board that is approximately 10 inches by 8 inches.  All the veterans are sitting in front of a building.  Most of the veterans are wearing the 1908 84th Indiana Infantry reunion badge.  Written below the veterans on the photograph is "84th Indiana Volenteer Infantry. 36th Annual Reunion - Dunkirk, IND. 1908".  The wrong spelling is on the photograph not my mistake.  The badge is a three part badge.  The hanger is a brass type metal with "Souvenir" on it.  The ribbon is a blue ribbon.  Written on the ribbon is "Samuel Orr - Colonel - 84th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Reunion - 36th Annual Reunion - Dunkirk, IND. - Sept. 18, 1908".  A celluloid drop is attached of Colonel Samuel Orr.  It seems the badge manufacturers got the spelling right but the photographer needed to go back to school!  The badge has had some significant separation and is supported with acid free tape on the back.

84th Indiana Infantry
in the American Civil War

Online Books:
84th Indiana Infantry Officer Roster - Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana, Volume 3, by W.H.H. Terrell, Adjutant General, Indiana, 1866 View Entire Book
84th Indiana Infantry Soldier Roster - Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana, Volume 6, by W.H.H. Terrell, Adjutant General, Indiana, 1866 View Entire Book

Regimental History
Eighty-fourth Indiana Infantry. — Cols., Nelson Trusler, Andrew J. Neff, Martin B. Miller; Lieut. -Cols., Samuel Orr, Andrew J. Neff, William A. Boyd, John C. Taylor, Martin B. Miller, George N. Carter; Majs., Andrew J. Neff, William A. Boyd, William Burres, John C. Taylor, Martin B. Miller, George N. Carter, Robert M. Grubbs. This regiment was organized at Richmond and was mustered in Sept. 3, 1862. It left the state on the 8th for Covington, Ky., where it was assigned to the defenses against the threatened invasion of Kirby Smith's forces. On Oct. 1 it moved by rail for Point Pleasant, W. Va., and moved from there on the 13th for Guyandotte, where it remained until Nov. 14. It was then in the vicinity of Cassville and Catlettsburg, Ky., until Feb. 7, 1863, when it left Catlettsburg for Louisville, which place was reached on the 17th, and the regiment was assigned to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, Army of Kentucky. It was first ordered to Nashville, then to Franklin, where it remained until June 3, being engaged in several skirmishes. It marched for Triune and was assigned to the 1st brigade, 1st division, reserve corps, Gen. Granger commanding. It was in the fight at Triune and pursuit of Bragg, the regiment marching to Middleton, Shelby villa and Wartrace, remaining there until Aug. 12. It moved to Estill springs on the 20th, thence to Tullahoma, Stevenson, Bridgeport and Chattanooga, arriving at the latter place Sept. 13. It participated in the battle of Chickamauga, where its division held the extreme left, on the first day, repeatedly repulsing desperate assaults, and on the next day materially aided Gen. Thomas in saving his army from the massed assault of the enemy, losing in the two days 125 in killed, wounded and missing. The regiment moved to Lookout mountain, thence to Moccasin point, and on Nov. 1, to Shell Mound, where it remained until Jan. 26, 1864. It was then assigned to the 2nd brigade, 1st division, 4th army corps, and moved towards Georgia via Cleveland, being engaged at Buzzard Roost. It returned to Cleveland and remained there until May 3, when it moved with the army for Atlanta. It was engaged at Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face ridge, Dalton, Resaca, Kingston, Pumpkin Vine creek, Pine mountain, Kennesaw mountain, Kolb's farm and Peachtree creek. It participated in the operations about Atlanta and in the battles of Jonesboro and Lovejoy's Station, afterward being transferred to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, and left Atlanta on Oct. 3, for Chattanooga, moving thence to Athens, Ala., and thence to Pulaski, Tenn., Columbia and Franklin, being present at the battle at the latter place on Nov. 30. It moved to Nashville, and in the battle there participated in a charge on the enemy's skirmish line, and later in a charge upon the main works of the enemy, carrying his position and driving him from the field. It moved in pursuit as far as Huntsville, Ala., and remained there until March 13, when it was ordered to eastern Tennessee, operating about Knoxville, Strawberry plains and Bull's gap, until it moved to Nashville on Apr. 18. It was mustered out June 14, 1865, when the recruits were transferred to the 57th Ind. with which they served until its muster-out in November. The original strength of the regiment was 949; gain by recruits, 78; total, 1,027. Loss by death, 207; desertion, 53; unaccounted for, 9.

Regimental history taken from "The Union Army" by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 3

General Joseph Wheeler Photograph and Autograph


A wonderful photograph of Major General Joseph Wheeler in his Spanish American War uniform.  The photograph is in an old wooden frame and has Wheeler's clipped signature below the photograph.  The photograph measures approximately 5 7/16 inches by 6 3/4 inches.  The signature says "Joseph Wheeler - Major Gen Vols".  The frame is approximately 10 1/2 inches by 12 1/4 inches.  

Major General George H. Thomas CDV & Autograph


A great image of Major General George H. Thomas with his signature on the reverse of the image!  The image is in a CDV format and the backmark is A.S. Morse, Photographer, Dep't of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tennessee.  General Thomas signed the back of the image "George H. Thomas, Maj. Gen'l, Commanding Dep'r Cumber".    

Confederate Veterans with a Plane and a Machine Gun Photograph

Two great photographs of Green B. Sorrell, 47th Alabama Infantry.  The first photograph has a group of Confederate veterans standing in front of a Bi-plane with some wicked looking machine guns.  The machine guns look quite different from the muskets stacked in front of the plane.  One old vet is even holding his Civil War pistol!  This photograph was taken at the 1932 Montgomery, Alabama United Confederate Veterans National reunion.  The plane was at the local U.S. Army base.  Green B. Sorrell is third from the right and he is wearing a UCV staff badge.  On the back of the photograph is "Photo by 4th Photo Section - Air Corps - Maxwell Field - Montgomery, Ala. - Title _________".

The second photograph is a photo of Sorrells wearing his Southern Cross.   Written on the back of the photograph in pencil is "Great Grandfather Sorrell - Green B. Sorrell - G.B. Sorrell, Co. H, 47th Ala. Inf.".

The first photograph is approximately 7 1/2 inches by 9 3/8 inches.  The second photograph measures approximately 5 inches by 6 3/4 inches.

47th Alabama Infantry Regiment


May 22

Organized at Loachapoka, Alabama, under Colonel James McCarthy Oliver and Lieutenant Colonel James W. Jackson


Sent to Virginia, where it was attached to Taliaferro's Brigade of Jackson's Division.

August 9

Battle of Cedar Run

Suffered 12 killed and 76 wounded, including Captains Michael Jefferson Bulger, wounded, and Albert C. Menefee, killed


Lt. Colonel Jackson promoted to colonel

August 30

Second Battle of Manasses

The regiment suffered 7 killed and 25 wounded, including Adjutant Henry A. Garrett, wounded, and Lieutenant William Grimmett, killed

September 1

Battle of Chantilly

September 12 - 15

Siege of Harpers Ferry

September 17

Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

The regiment was commanded by Colonel James W. Jackson, who took command of the brigade at the begnning of the battle. Captain James M. Campbell commanded the regiment.


lost 98 of the115 men engaged, including Colonel James W. Jackson, wounded, Captain Henry C. Lindsey, wounded, and Lieutenant George W. Gammell, killed. Seventeen men under a sergeant were all that could muster on the 18th

December 13

Battle of Fredericksburg

Captain Capt. James M. Campbell commanded the regiment.


January 19

Transferred to Law's Alabama Brigade in Hood's Division of Longstreet's Corps per Lee's Special Orders No. 19

Aptil 27

Captain Samuel A. Cox died in service

April 11 - May 6

Suffolk Campaign

June 11

Captain John N. McKee died in service

July 1 - 3

Battle of Gettysburg

The regiment was commanded by Lt. Colonel Michael Jefferson Bulger, who was shot through the lung, left behind presumably dying when the regiment fell back, and captured. Major J. M. Campbell took over the regiment. It lost 40 casualties, including Captain Joseph Johnston, Jr., who was killed.


From the report of Maj. Campbell: "Lieut.-Col. M. J. Bulger fought most nobly. Out of 21 officers, 4 were killed; all the 21 acted well. About one-third of the whole number were killed and wounded." Footnote: "Lieutenant-Colonel Bulger was not killed. On July 16, 1863, he became colonel, vice James W. Jackson, resigned."

July 10

Colonel James W. Jackson resigned due to ill health

July 16

Lt. Colonel Bulger was promoted to to colonel while still in a Federal hospital. He would be exchanged in several months but would never return to the field. Bulger acknowledged that "the compassion shown by (Union Colonel James C.) Rice saved his life." Rice, whose 44th New York had been defending Little Round Top against Bulger's men, had accepted his surrender and made sure Bulger was taken care of by a Union surgeon.

September 20

Battle of Chickamauga

October 28

Lookout Valley

Commended in report on engagement; suffered no casualties.


The regiment was transferred to the west with Longstreet and two divisions.


Siege of Knoxville

Colonel Bulger commanded the regiment.



The regiment returned to the Eastern Theater with Longstreet's two divisions.

May 5 - 6

Battle of the Wilderness

The regiment lost 111 casualties, including Captains William Ballard, wounded and captured, and James A. Sanford, killed

May 7 - 12

Battle of Spottsylvania
Lt. Colonel Michael Bulger and Major James McDonald Campbell were killed.

June 13 - July 31

The regiment suffered 6 killed and 9 wounded

August 1 - December 31

The regiment lost 7 killed and 27 wounded, including Lt. Colonel Leigh Richmond Terrell, killed Oct. 13; and and Captain J. A. Gaskin, also killed


On north side of James River in Law's (then Perry's) Brigade


April 9

Surrendered at Appomattox about 90 men under Captain Eli Daniel Clower


Colors of the 27th New York Infantry Photograph


A great photograph of the Colors of the 27th New York Infantry.  The photograph shows a man holding the flag of the 27th new York Infantry.  Another flag is rolled up on the left hand side of the photograph.  Written under the photograph is "Colors of the 27th Regiment, New York Volunteers, Now in the Military Bureau, at Albany, N.Y., with which is the following record:".  At this point the record of the 27th New York Infantry is written.  The photograph is approximately 4 1/8 inches by 7 1/8 inches.  The card the photograph is affixed to is approximately 8 inches by 10 inches.  

Outstanding Large Stonewall Camp, U.C.V. Photograph

Just purchased!  A Portsmouth, Virginia United Confederate Veteran photograph wearing the Stonewall Camp badge and another Stonewall jackson badge.  The image is about 14 inches by 10 1/2 inches.  The frame is abou 21 1/2 inches by 16 3/4 inches.  The photograph is stamped "Stertzbach, 208 High St. Portsmouth, VA".  The veteran has a southern cross, Stonewall camp #758 badge, and another camp badge with Stonewall Jackson's likeness.  He is also wearing a hat with a "SC" (Stonewall Camp) hat wreath.  

Smithsonian Institution CDV

A great image of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.  The back mark is "John Goldin & Co. - Photographers - Vignette Specialite - No. 4 Market Space, PA. Ave., Washington, D.C.".  A blue 2 cent George Washington stamp is attached to the back of the image.  

Confederate Soldier Monument at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia


A very nice image of the Confederate soldier monument at Hollywood cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.  You can see grave stones in front of the monument.  The photo was by Anderson, Richmond, VA.  This image is a CDV approximately 4 18 inches by 2 7/16.

Confederate Dead in front of Fort Robinette, Corinth, Mississippi Albumen

A nice albumen photograph of the Confederate dead in front of Fort Robinette, Corinth, Mississippi.  This photograph was taken the day after the battle and is one of the few Confederate dead photographs from the Western theater.   The photo is approximately 8 inches by 5 1/8 inches.  You can see at least two Confederate soldiers dead and several horses.  The photo is attached to a green card and written on the card in ink is "Confederate dead in front of Fort Robinette, Corinth, Mississippi (The day after the battle)" and in pencil "Oct 5, 1862".  I am including an enhanced photo of this card for your review.  This is a computer enhanced image and is not the clarity of the albumen.

Confederate 1st Lieutenant Unided CDV


A very nice, clean image of a Confederate officer with two stripes (1st Lieutenant) on his collar.  The image has been nicely colorized with the buttons tinted gold and colorization on his cheeks.  There is no backmark.

10 Tennessee Infantry Captain E.J. McGavock CDV


A hard to find image of Captain E.J. McGavock of the 10th Tennessee Infantry.  McGavock was brother to Colonel Randall McGavock killed at the battle of Raymond, Mississippi.  The photographer on the image was C.C. Giers, Nashville, Tennessee.

Major Flavel Barber - 3 Tennessee Infantry - CDV - KIA Resaca, GA.

A hard to find image of Major Flavel C. Barber of Company A, 3rd Tennessee Infantry, CSA.  This photograph was taken while he was Captain of Company A.  You can clearly see the three rank stripes on his uniform.  Barber was promoted to Major and was killed at the Battle of Resaca, Georgia.  The backmark is "J.H. Van Stavoren's Photographic Gallery of Fine Arts - Cor. Cherry & Union Sts., Nashville, Tenn.". 

We have had this image on our web site and it was misidentified as Captain James S. Walker.  A sharp eyed historian, Hank L. Hewgley of Hendersonville, Tennessee, contacted us and gave us undisputed proof of our mistake.  We are sorry for the misidentification but that is the identity on the image when we purchased it.  Read about Barber in his book "Holding the Line: The Third Tennessee Infantry, 1861 - 1864" edited by Robert H. Ferrell.
3rd Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A.

From Camp Trousdale, the 3rd Tennessee Infantry moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, where they reported to General Simon B. Buckner on September 19, 1861. Colonel John C. Brown was senior Colonel and was given command of a brigade composed of the 3rd, 18th, 23rd and 24th Regiments of Tennessee Infantry, Jones' Battalion of Tennessee Cavalry, and Porter's Tennessee Battery. Here they suffered much sickness and endured hard drill under the direction of Colonel Brown. "The drill was very exacting and fatiguing, and in the process of hardening for service the numbers were reduced by sickness, permanent disability, and death."

"Colonel John C. Brown was a strict disciplinarian, full of the magnitude of the work ahead, and determined that his regiment, composed of picked material, should not be excelled." Brown's Brigade remained in and around Bowling Green until the following February.

On February 8, 1862, the 3rd Tennessee Infantry reached Fort Donelson, Tennessee, on the Cumberland River, with 750 men present. The 32nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, which included four companies from Giles County, replaced the 23rd Tennessee Infantry as a part of Brown's Brigade. As Colonel Brown was in command of the brigade, Lt. Colonel Thomas M. Gordon commanded the 3rd Tennessee Infantry. Brown's Brigade was in the worst of the fighting of the Battle of Fort Donelson. The 3rd Tennessee Infantry lost 13 men killed and 56 wounded. Practically all of the rest of the regiment was surrendered on February 16, 1862. The officers were taken to Fort Warren, Massachusetts and Camp Chase, Ohio. The non-commissioned officers and privates were taken by steamboat to Camp Douglas, Illinois. Colonel John C. Brown was offered his freedom, but chose to suffer the same fate as his men, who spent the next seven months as prisoners of war in northern prisons.

The intense cold of Camp Douglas, Illinois, located on Lake Michigan near Chicago, took a heavy toll on the men of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry. A few managed to escape, but most suffered through the winter with insufficient clothing and food. At least a dozen men of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry died within the confines of Camp Douglas. Others of the regiment had died on the trip northward and officers suffered and died in other prison camps. Finally, after seven long months, the men and officers of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry were loaded on boats and taken down the Mississippi River to be paroled and exchanged.

The 3rd Tennessee Infantry was paroled at Vicksburg, Mississippi, on September 23, 1862. At this point they were no longer prisoners, but could not rejoin the Confederate Army until they were formally exchanged on November, 10, 1862. The 3rd Tennessee Infantry was reorganized for the third and final time at Jackson, Mississippi, on September 26, 1862, with 607 men present. Colonel John C. Brown had been promoted to Brigadier General and had been called to Chattanooga to join General Bragg's army. Calvin Harvey Walker was elected Colonel. Calvin J. Clack was elected Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas M. Tucker and Flavel C. Barber were elected Majors.

Other Regimental officers were:

  • Adjutant - David S. Martin
  • Quartermasters - J. L. Herron and John D. Flautt
  • Commissary - John S. Wilkes
  • Surgeons - James A. Bowers, Daniel F. Wright and C. C. Abernathy
  • Assistant Surgeons - J. T. S. Thompson, J. L. Lipford, J. Henderson, and Thomas H. Moss
  • Chaplain - Thomas Deavenport
  • Sergeant-Major - John Phillips
  • Quartermaster Sergeant - Lewis Amis
  • Commissary Sergeants - R. S. Wilkes and S. S. Craig
  • Ordnance Sergeant - B. S. Thomas
  • Hospital Stewart - Robert P. Jenkins

The companies were reorganized:

*Company A, formerly Company K - Captain Flavel C. Barber, 1st Lt. Thomas E. McCoy, 2nd Lt. Willis H. Jones, Junior 2nd Lt. James P. Bass, rank and file, 100 men, with recruits.

*Company B, formerly Company B - Captain Robert A. Mitchell, 1st Lt. J. M. Thompson, 2nd Lt. M. T. West, Junior 2nd Lt. W. T. Mitchell, rank and file 105 men, with recruits.

Company C, formerly Company H - Captain Robert T. Cooper, 1st Lt. W. J. Hardin, 2nd Lt. R. M. Plummer, Junior 2nd Lt. James A. Doyle, rank and file 75 men, with recruits.

Company D, formerly Company C. - Captain Walter S. Jennings, 1st Lt. W. C. Dunham, 2nd Lt. R. R. Williams, Junior 2nd Lt. Y. R. Watkins, rank and file 80 men, with recruits,

Company E, formerly Company F - Captain George W. Jones, 1st Lt. J. B. Murphy, 2nd Lt. B. G. Darden, Junior 2nd Lt. J. F. Matthews, rank and file 87 men, with recruits.

Company F, formerly Company E - Captain R. B. McCormick, 1st Lt. D. G. Stevenson, 2nd Lt. Thomas Thompson, Junior 2nd Lt. G. P. Straley, rank and file 77 men, with recruits.

*Company G, formerly Company A - Captain David Rhea, 1st Lt. David S. Martin, 2nd Lt. John C. Lester, Junior 2nd Lt. Wallace W. Rutledge, rank and file 97 men, with recruits.

*Company H, formerly Company G - Captain James S. Walker, 1st Lt. J. B. McCanless, 2nd Lt. J. A. Rastin, Junior 2nd Lt. Calvin J. Orr, rank and file 101 men, with recruits.

*Company I, formerly Company D - Captain D. G. Alexander, 1st Lt. J. P. Lock, 2nd Lt. J. B. Farley, Junior 2nd Lt. N. B. Rittenberry, rank and file 90 men, with recruits.

Company K, formerly Company I - Captain B. F. Mathews, 1st Lt. John Hildreth, 2nd Lt. Alonzo Lindsay, Junior 2nd Lt. J. H. Hagan, rank and file 87 men, with recruits.

The 3rd Tennessee Infantry was placed in Brigadier General John Gregg's Brigade and was involved in a sharp skirmish at Springdale, Mississippi, and took part in the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou on December 27-29, 1862. The brigade then moved to Port Hudson, Louisiana, and endured the Federal bombardment of Port Hudson.

On May 11, 1863, the 3rd Tennessee Infantry arrived at Jackson, Mississippi, and the following day moved to Raymond, Mississippi, and met the advance of Union General U. S. Grant's army in one of the fiercest and bloodiest engagements of the war. 548 men of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry fought at Raymond, suffering casualties of 32 killed, 76 wounded and 68 captured. Before the battle, Colonel Walker had stepped out in front of the regiment and said, "We will soon be engaged in a battle and before we begin I wish to say that I do not command you to go, but to follow this old bald head of mine..."

"After marching and countermarching, under command of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, in the rear of Vicksburg, until its surrender on the 4th of July, 1863, the regiment found itself in the rifle-pits at Jackson, Miss., holding that point against the enemy from the 9th to the 16th of July, when it was transferred to the army in Georgia." "In the operations around Jackson, the regiment numbered 366 men, and suffered a total loss of 22 men, of whom 3 were killed, 6 wounded, and 13 captured."

On September 19th and 20, 1863, the 3rd Tennessee Infantry fought in the Battle of Chickamauga in north Georgia. 264 men of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry were engaged in that great Confederate victory. The regiment suffered 93 casualties, including 24 killed, 62 wounded and 7 captured.

On November 25, 1863, 195 men of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry were engaged in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, near Chattanooga. Casualties were light with 3 wounded and 1 captured.

The 3rd Tennessee Infantry went into winter camp in north Georgia and, on December 10, 1863, at Dalton, Georgia, rejoined General John C. Brown's Brigade. The following spring they participated in General Joseph E. Johnston's retreat to Atlanta and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Sugar Creek Valley, Resaca, New Hope Church, Powder Springs Road, and finally at Jonesboro. Major Flavel C. Barber was killed at Resaca. Colonel Calvin Harvey Walker was killed at Powder Springs Road. Lt. Colonel Calvin J. Clack was killed at Jonesboro.

Following the fall of Atlanta, the 3rd Tennessee Infantry followed General John Bell Hood across northern Alabama and home to Tennessee. On November 18, 1864, they were at Columbia, Tennessee. The 3rd Tennessee Infantry reached Franklin late in the evening of November 30, too late to participate in the disasterous battle. From Franklin, The 3rd Tennessee Infantry was detached to General Nathan Bedford Forrest's command at Murfreesboro and did not participate in the Battle of Nashville. Forrest's command served as rear guard as the defeated Confederate Army of Tennessee retreated southward through Franklin, Columbia, and Pulaski toward the safety of the Tennessee River. A report dated December 21, 1864, indicated that the 3rd and 18th Regiments of Tennessee Infantry had been consolidated and had a total of 17 men present.

The remnant of the 3rd Tennessee Infantry moved with the Army of Tennessee into North Carolina where they were merged into the 4th Consolidated Tennessee Infantry on April 9, 1865. On April 26, 1865, General Joseph E. Johnston's Army of Tennessee was surrendered. They were paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina, on May 1, 1865.

Commodore George N. Hollins CDV

A nice image of Confederate Commodore George N. Hollins.  The backmark on the image is "Sold By Lawrence & Houseworth, Opticians, 637 Clay Street, San Francisco - Published by E.&H.T. Anthony, No. 501 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers of the Best Photographic Albumns.".
Commodore George Nichols Hollins was born at Baltimore, September 20, 1799. He entered the navy of the United States as midshipman in 1814, served on the Erie in her attempt to break the British blockade of Chesapeake bay, and was subsequently transferred to the President, where he served under Stephen Decatur until captured at Bermuda, where he was held until peace was established. His career thus gallantly begun, continued to be a conspicuous one. In the Algerian war of 1815 he served under Decatur with such merit as to be presented a sword in recognition of his gallantry. Subsequently he was on duty upon the Guerriere, Columbus, Franklin, and Washington, and commanded an East India merchantman for a time. He was promoted lieutenant in 1828, commander in 1841, and captain U. S. N. in 1855. In the latter year he bombarded Graytown in the interests of American residents. In 1861 Captain Hollins resigned his commission, upon which the war department refused to accept the resignation and ordered his arrest. But he eluded the effort made to this end, and in March, 1861, was at Montgomery, then the Confederate capital, where he met Semmes, Tattnall, Brent, and many other naval officers, for consultation with the committees of the Confederate Congress on the means to provide a navy for the new government. Hollins became a commander in the navy of the Confederate States, was assigned to very important duties, and quickly attracted attention by his clever capture, on June 29, 1861, of the steamer St. Nicholas in the Potomac river. On July 10th the naval defenses of the James river were placed under his command, and on July 31st he was put in charge of the naval station at New Orleans, where he defeated the Federal blockading squadron in the following October. Being appointed flagofficer, in December he took a fleet up the Mississippi river to assist in the defense of the works at Columbus, Ky. In April, 1862, he was called back to New Orleans by the appearance of the enemy in force, but before the fall of the city he was appointed to the court of inquiry on the destruction of the Virginia. After the war he resided at Baltimore, and died there January 18, 1878.

General J.E.B. Stuart CDV

A nice but somewhat faded image of General James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart.  The image is of Stuart seated and holding his cavalry saber.  Stuart graduated the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1854 and served with the 1st U.S. Cavalry on the Kansas frontier.  He was aide to Colonel Robert E. Lee during the capture of John Brown at Harpers Ferry.  He entered his Confederate service as Colonel of the 1st Virginia Cavalry and became famous for his exploits in the Shenandoah valley.  He was promoted to brigadier general after 1st Manassas and promoted to major general in July 1862.  Stuart was mortally wounded on May 11, 1864 at Yellow Tavern. 
The image has a 3 cent tax revenue stamp on the back and the backmark is E.&H.T. Anthony, New York.  "Jeb Stewart" is written in pencil on the bottom of the photograph.

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14 kt. Gold North Carolina Presentation U.C.V. Badge

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