SOLD Items
Identified Georgia UCV Photo Post Card

SOLD!!! A very nice photo post card of Grandpa John Isley Tibbs in 1907. Written on the front of the photo post card is "Taken 1907 - Civil War Uniform" in ink. It is clear he is not wearing his "Civil War" uniform but he is wearing a great UCV uniform and look at that hat! The post card was mailed from Dalton, Georgia to Atlanta, Georgia. Grandpa Tibbs is wearing his Southern Cross!

Identified Georgia Confederate Veteran Photograph


A nice photograph of an identified Georgia Confederate veteran and his wife. This photograph shows the Confederate veteran wearing his Southern Cross seated with his wife. The veteran is Theodore M. Manley and his wifes name is Nancy. The photographer was Warlick, Griffin, GA. On the back of the card is alot of information and the previous owner of the photo said he did the research and came up with the idenity. The photo is dated April 26, 1904. The photo is approximately 7 inches by 5 inches.

Naval Veteran with 3 Badges! Photograph

SOLD!!! A very hard to find photograph of a Civil War Naval veteran wearing his GAR uniform and three badges. The veteran is wearing his GAR membership badge, a naval badge, and his Massachsetts Department badge. The phot has an imprint from a Boston, Mass. photographer. The overall photograph is approximately 7 1/4 inches by 5 1/4 inches.

Confederate General Richard S. Ewell tinted CDV

SOLD!!! This is a beautifully hand tinted CDV of General Richard. S. Ewell. The photographer had this great CDV colored by having an artist hand tint the photograph. It really adds alot to the photograph. Ewell graduated from West Point in 1840 and spent his entire ante-bellum career in the Southwest, winning a brevet for gallantry in the Mexican War. He resigned the U.S. Army and was made a brigadier general in the Confederate Army. He lost a leg at the battle of Groveton. He led the 2nd Corps from Gettysburg to Spottsylvania. He ended the war in charge of the Richmond defenses and was captured at Saylor's Creek on April 6, 1865. The backmark is E.&H.T. Anthony, New York.

Confederate General Lloyd Tilghman CDV

SOLD!!! A wonderful CDV of General Lloyd Tilghman. Tilghman was born in Maryland and graduated West Point in 1836. He was a construction engineer between that time and the Civil War except for serving on Geneal Twigg's staff in the Mexican War. At the beginning of the Civil War Tilghman was living in Paducah, Kentucky. He made a gallant defense of Fort Henry and surrendered only after moving most of his men to Fort Donelson. After being exchanged he took command of the First Brigade of General Loring's division. He fought at Corinth and was killed while directing artillery fire at the battle of Champion Hill, Mississippi during the Vicksburg Campaign. The backmark is E. & H.T. Anthony, New York.

Confederate General John S. Bowen CDV

A nice CDV of General John S. Bowen. Bowen was born in Savannah, Georgia and graduated from West Point. Before the war he was an architect in St. Louis, Missouri. He was appointed colonel of the 1st Missouri Infantry. He was promoted to brigadier general on March 14, 1862 and major general May 25, 1863. He was wounded at Shiloh and died after the surrender of Vicksburg on July 13, 1863. The backmark on this CDV is "Published by E. & H.T. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York, from Photographic Negative in BRADY'S National Portrait Gallery". A period ink identification is on the back of the CDV.

UCV Photo and Photo Celluloid of Vet from Mobile

A very nice grouping of three items from a United Confederate Veteran. The first item is a photograph of the veteran. He is wearing his UCV membership lapel pin and a ribbon with a red cross and "Mobile" on the bottom of the ribbon. There is more writing above the cross but I can't read it. The photo was in an oval frame that is no longer with the group and is cut in an oval. The backing is approximately 8 1/2 inches by 6 1/2 inches. The actual photo is approximately 5 inches by 3 inches. The second item is a photograph celluloid button of the same photograph. The button is approximately 6 inches wide and has a metal backing. The third item is a Confederate battleflag pinback and I don't think it is original to the group but it came with it so it stays with it.

John W. Faxon, 14th Tennessee Infantry Photograph

A very large framed photograph of John W. Faxon of the 14th Tennessee Infantry and lived in Clarksville, Tennessee. On the day Fort Sumter was fired on, John Faxon volunteered as a private in Capt. W.A. Forbes company of infantry, the nucleus of the 14th Tennessee Infantry. He was discharged after the Cheat Mountain raid in West Virginia, and returned to Clarksville, where he was made acting assistant adjutant general to Ge. M.G. Gholson, with the rank of major. After the battle of Fort Donelson he went to Richmond, VA where he was on detail duty for the Confederate Treasury department. He then joined the Second Richmond Howitzers, First Regiment Virginia Artillery. After the Wilderness battle he was on account of disability detailed for duty to the "Tax in Kind Bureau" in Charlotte, NC until he surrendered May 3, 1865. He returned to Clarksville, Tennessee after the war and went into banking. He moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee and was a member of the Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp, No. 4 U.C.V. and also a member of the Richmond Howitzer Association. He was colonel on the staff of General John B. Gordon, U.C.V. commander. The frame is approximately 17 1/2 inches by 21 inches. The photograph is approximately 10 1/2 inches by 13 1/2 inches. Written on the back in ink is information on John W. Faxon's Civil War career.

Confederate Major R. R. Hutchinson CDV & Document

SOLD!!! This is an unusual United Confederate Veteran Association document. This document has a CDV of Major R.R. Hutchinson attached to the document. Robert Randolph Hutchinson was born in Virginia and moved to St. Louis, Missouri. He joined the Missouri Minute Men in 1860 and later the Missouri National Guard. After the war started he enlisted in the 1st Missouri Infantry. He was promoted to Adjutant of the 1st Missouri. He moved to General John Bowen's staff as Adjutant and was captured with General Bowen at Vicksburg. After he was paroled he made his way to Virginia and was placed on the staff of General Robert Rodes which was part of Stonewall Jackson's old corp. After Rodes was killed, Hutchinson moved to General Ramseur's staff. He was with General Ramseur when his was killed at Cedar Creek and was captured while he was trying to carry the General's body off the field of battle. He received a parole to take General Ramseur's body back to Confederate lines but when he reached General Grant's lines his parole was revolked and he was sent to Fort Delaware POW camp. He spent the rest of the was as a POW. The CDV attached to the document shows Major Hutchinson as a staff officer holding his sword. On the document all of the battles Major Hutchinson fought in are listed. Every promotion granted Major Hutchinson is listed. The document is signed by General John Gordon as head of the United Confederate Veterans and by Chief of Staff Moorman of the 27th Mississippi. This is one of the most complete document you will ever see with a CDV attached!

Confederate General Arnold Elzey CDV

SOLD!!! A great CDV of a Confederate Maryland General. This CDV is of General Arnold Elzey. Elzey raised the 1st Maryland and served as it's Colonel. He was promoted General after the battle of Bull Run. Elzey went to West Point and served the U.S. in the Seminole and Mexican Wars. This is a hard to find CDV.

Provost & Post Office @ Baton Rouge, LA CDV

SOLD!!! Outstanding CDV of the Provost Office and the Post Office in Baton Rouge, LA. There is a group of soldiers and civilians standing outside in front of the offices. This is a really nice outdoor CDV!

Federal Teamsters on River at Donaldsonville, LA

SOLD!!! A hard to find CDV of Federal temsters at a river(probaly the Mississippi River). In this photo are soldiers, horses, wagons, pontoon bridges, and wharfs. This great outdoor photo was taken by McPhereson & Oliver when they were at Baton Rouge, LA.

Outdoor CDV taken with the 14th Corp by Bonsall

SOLD!!! A nice Civil War CDV taken by I.H. Bonsall when he was traveling with the 14th Corp through Tennessee and into Georgia. This CDV is of a house which was probably some officer's headquarters. I believe this is from Bonsall's Murfreesboro, Tennessee group of photographs. I have owned Bonsall's CDV of General Rosencran's headquarters im Murfreesboro and that photo can probably found in my "SOLD" area. This CDV fits the same format. Bonsal came from Cincinnati, Ohio and traveled with the 14th Corps through the Lookout Mountain and Chattanooga campaign. The backmark is "I.H. Bonsall, PHOTOGRAPHER, in 14th Army Corps, Formerly 14 West Fifth St., Cincinnati, O.".

Identified Ohio Officers on Lookout Mountain CDV

SOLD!!! Seven identified Ohio officers sitting and standing on the Point on Lookout Mountain! There is no backmark. The officers are ink identified on the back of the CDV.

100 or so People on Lookout Mountain CDV

SOLD!!! An incredible photograph of a very large group of people on Lookout Mountain. I stopped counting at 60!

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1 New York Dragoons at 1897 GAR National Encampment Badge

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