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Colonel William F. Woods - 1 Indiana Cavalry & 46 U.S.C.T. - CDV


A nice image of Colonel WIlliam F. Woods of the 1st Indiana Cavalry and the 46th United States Colored Troops.  Woods was Lt. Colonel with the 1st Indiana Cavalry from August, 1861 until April 1863.  At that time he was promoted to Colonel of the 46th USCT.  He lead the 46th USCT until August 1864.  Written in period pencil on the back of the image is "Col. W.F. Wood - 46 U S Colored Infty".

Sgt. James K. Darby - 8 Indiana Infantry CDV


A nice seated pose of Sergeant James K. Darby of Company I, 8th Indiana Infantry.  In this photo Darby is seated in a chair wearin a frock coat with sergeant stripes.  In period ink on the back of the image is "J K Darby".  The backmark is "S. Anderson, Photographer, No. 61 Camp St., New Orleans".  Darby enlisted in August 1861 as a corporal.  He was promoted to sergeant and mustered out in September 1864.

Captain Oliver Wright - 11 Indiana Infantry & 46 U.S.C.T. CDV

A nice full standing image of Captain Oliver Wright of Company G, 11th Indiana Infantry and 46th United States Colored Troops.  Wright is in a full standing pose holding his kepi.  Written in period ink on the back of the image is "Yours Truly Oll J. Wright".  There is no backmark.  Wright mustered in the 11th Indiana Infantry on August 31, 1861.  He was promoted to Captain of the 46th USCT in May 1863.  He fought at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, seige of Corinth, and Grand Gulf with the 11th Indiana Infantry.  He was at Vicksburg with the 46th USCT.  He died of disease at Vicksburg, Mississippi in January 1865.

Captain George W. Eyestone - 11 Indiana Infantry - 46 U.S.C.T. Armed CDV


A wonderful full standing, armed image of Captain George W. Eyestone, Company E, 11th Indiana Infantry and the 46th United States Colored Troops.  Eyestone mustered in August 31, 1861.  He fought with the 11th Indina Infantry at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, seige of Corinth, Grand Gulf, Champion Hill, and Vicksburg.  He was commisioned in the 46th USCT in October 1863 as 1st Lieutenant.  He was promoted to Captain in September 1864.  He mustered out in January 1866.  Eyestone is in a full standing , armed pose.  He is wearing gauntlets and holding his sword.  The image is signed "G.W. Eyestone" in pencil on the front of the image.  The backmark is "D.P. Barr, Army Photographer, Palace of Art, Vicksburg, Miss.". 

Captain Abner F. Talbot - 11 Indiana Infantry - 46 U.S.C.T. CDV


A full standing image of Captain Abner F. Talbot of the 11th Indiana Infantry and the 46th United States Colored Troops.  Talbot enlisted in August 1861 in Company A, 11th Indiana Infantry.  He fought at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Grand Gulf, Champion Hill, and Vicksburg with the 11th Indiana Infantry.  In August 1863 he was promoted to Captain in the 46th United States Colored Troops.  He resigned in December 1864.  The image is period ink signed on the front "Respectfully A.F. Talbott".  The image is a full standing image in his officers frock coat.  His kepi and some books are sitting on the table next to him.

James S. Templeton - 16 Indiana Infantry 1/6 Plate Image


A sixth plate image of James S. Templeton, Company A, 16th Indiana Infantry.  Templeton was mortally wounded at the battle of Arkansas Post and died in Memphis, Tennessee several days later.  The image is of a full standing Templeton wearing a Union overcoat.  He is holding his musket which has a sword bayonet attached.  Written in period ink on paper on the back of the photo is Templeton's military history including his date of death, February 4, 1863.  There is a full leather box with the image.  The spine has come loose as many of these boxes have.

Captain Orville A Baughn - 24 Indiana Infantry - 46 USCT - CDV


A nice ink signed bust image of Captain Orville A. Baughn of the 24th Indiana Infantry and the 46th United States Colored Troops.  Baughn enlisted in July 1861 as Corporal of Company F of the 24th Indiana Infantry.  He fought with the 24th Indiana for two years and participated in the battles of Shiloh, Seige of Corinth, Port Gibson, Champion Hill and Vicksburg.  He was promoted to Captain of the 46th United States Colored Troops in May, 1863.  He was dismissed in November 1864.  The image is signed in period ink on the front of the image - "Yours truly O.A. Baughn".  The backmark on the image is "D.P. Barr, Army Photographer, Palace of Art, Vicksburg, Mississippi.".

Captain Henry L. Field - 124 Illinois Infantry CDV


A nice bust image of Captain Henry L. Field of Company C, 124th Illinois Infantry.  Field mustered in September 10, 1862 and mustered out August 15, 1865.  he was promoted to Major.  The image was taken at Vicksburg, Mississippi and has a "Joslyn & Smith, Washington Gallery, Vicksburg, Miss." backmark.  Written in period ink on the back is "Ever your true friend, Henry L. Field, Ex. Capt. Co. "C", 124th Ill. Inf., Shurtleff College, April 18th, 1866".

Captain J.C. Plumb - 46 Indiana Infantry CDV

A nice full standing image of Captain J.C. Plumb of the 46th Indiana Infantry.  Plumb joined the regiment in February 1862.  He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in March 1863 and to 1st Lieutenant in May 1863.  He was promoted to Captain in July 1863.  He resigned in March 1864.  In this image he is wearing gauntlets and holding his kepi.  The backmark is "S. Anderson, Photographer, No. 61 Camp St., New Orleans.".  Written in ink on the back of the image is "JC Plumb".
This regiment was organized at Logansport in Sept., 1861, and was mustered in Dec. 11. It left the state at once, going to Camp Wickliffe, Ky., and marched for Paducah on Feb. 16, 1862, joining Pope's army soon afterward in Missouri. It was in the attack on New Madrid in March, put up a battery at Riddle's point and sustained an attack by five gunboats for over an hour without being dislodged. In April it started for Fort Pillow, but lay near Osceola for five weeks while attempting to pass the fort. On June 5 the flags of the 46th and 43d were raised over Fort Pillow and they occupied Memphis the next day. The 46th went up the White river with the gunboats, charged the works at St. Charles and drove out the enemy, capturing his guns and a number of prisoners. It accompanied a force to Crockett's bluff, marching across the country and driving back the enemy, then returned to Helena, where it was assigned to Gen. Hovey's division, with which it participated in expeditions to Clarendon, Arkansas Post, and down the Tallahatchie and Cold Water rivers. In Jan., 1863, it went to Devall's Bluff, captured several cannon, and in February assisted in clearing the Yazoo pass of obstructions. It was in the Yazoo river expedition, participating at Fort Pemberton, and moved for Milliken's bend with McGinnis' brigade of Hovey's division, 13th army corps. It was in the principal part of the engagement at Port Gibson; in the advance brigade at Champion's hill, suffering a loss of one-fourth its numbers engaged; was 44 days in the trenches at Vicksburg, and in the siege of Jackson in July. On Aug. 10 it moved for New Orleans, where it was transferred to the Department of the Gulf under Banks. It participated in the Teche expedition; was in the advance at Grand Coteau, where it rendered effective assistance to Burbridge ; returned to New Orleans in December, and reenlisted as a veteran organization Jan. 2, 1864. It joined the Red River expedition on March 4, and was engaged in the battle of Mansfield as part of the 1st brigade, 3d division, 13th army corps, losing 10 killed, 12 wounded and 77 captured. The prisoners were sent to Texas where they were kept in stockades for eight months. The regiment was engaged at Pleasant Hill and at Alexandria assisted in holding the enemy back while a dam was being built. It reached Morganza late in May, and arrived at New Orleans on June 12, where the veterans received a furlough home. Upon returning to service it was sent to Lexington, Ky., to resist an invasion and was in the expedition to Saltville, after which it garrisoned Prestonburg and Catlettsburg, Ky. After this it was stationed at Lexington until September and was mustered out at Louisville, Sept. 4, 1865. The original strength was 969; gain by recruits, 205; reenlistments, 286; total, 1,460. Loss by death, 251; desertion, 22; unaccounted for, 56.

Colonel John W. Ray - 49 Indiana Infantry CDV

A nice bust shot of Colonel John W. Ray of the 49th Indiana Infantry.  Ray was commisioned Colonel of the 49th Indiana in November 1861.  He resigned in October 1862.  There is no backmark.
This regiment was organized at Jeffersonville and was mustered in Nov. 21, 1861. It left the state Dec. 11 for Bardstown, Ky., and left there Jan. 12, 1862, for Cumberland ford, where it remained until June, suffering greatly at the latter place from disease. It was in skirmishes at Big Tree gap and Cumberland gap in March; accompanied Gen. Morgan's forces to Cumberland gap in June, and occupied the place on the 18th, the enemy retiring the same day. It remained there until September, when it joined in the retreat to the Ohio river, reaching Greenupsburg, Ky., early in October. It proceeded to Coal Mouth, W. Va., and in November was ordered to Memphis, joining Sherman's army on the expedition to Vicksburg. It was in the battle at Chickasaw bluffs, losing 56 in killed and wounded, and was in the expedition against Arkansas Post. It assisted in digging a canal across Young's point, and then moved for the rear of Vicksburg, participating in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion's hill and Black River bridge. It was then engaged in the siege of Vicksburg until its fall, including the assault of May 22. It took part in the seven days' siege of Jackson in July, and was ordered to New Orleans in August, being assigned to the Department of the Gulf. It moved to Berwick's bay, took part in the Teche expedition, going as far as Opelousas, and on its return to New Orleans was ordered to Texas, reaching Matagorda Peninsula, Dec. 14. It moved to Indianola, where on Feb. 3, 1864, 171 reenlisted. It embarked at Matagorda island April 19, for Alexandria, La., where it reinforced Banks' army and was in continuous skirmishes until May 13, when the army retreated to the Mississippi. It returned to New Orleans, was furloughed home in July, was ordered to Lexington, Ky., at the expiration of its furlough, and remained there until Sept. 7. It then proceeded to Louisville, where it was mustered out Sept. 13, 1865, having marched 8,000 miles during its service. Its original strength was 974; gain by recruits, 294; reenlistments, 177; total, 1,445. Loss by death, 238; desertion, 94; unaccounted for, 42.

Thomas J. Patterson - 54 Indiana Infantry - 6th Plate Image

A nice armed 6th plate image of Thomas Patterson of Company I of the 54th Indiana Infantry.  Patterson is full standing and you can see his cap box, cartridge box, and bayonet.   Patterson first served in the 3 month 54 Indiana Regiment and then served in Company E of the 54th Indiana Infantry for a year.  He particpated in the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, and Teche River.  The image is a tintype.
SERVICE.-Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863.
Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28, 1862. Chickasaw Bluff December 29.
Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture
of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point, La.,
January 15. Moved to Milliken's Bend, La., March 8. Operations from
Milliken's Bend to New Carthage March 31-April 17. Movement on Bruinsburg
and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Port Gibson May 1. Garrison at
Raymond and escorting prisoners to Yazoo River May 12 to June 3. Siege of
Vicksburg, Miss., June 3-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Near
Clinton July 8. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Ordered to New Orleans August
13. Duty at Carrollton, Brashear City and Berwick till October. Western
Louisiana, "Teche" Campaign, October 3-November 30. Moved to New Orleans
December 1. Mustered out December 8, 1863.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 44 Enlisted men killed and
mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 222 Enlisted men by disease. Total 270.

Captain George Peva - 60 Indiana Infantry CDV

A three quarters shot of Captain George Peva as a lieutenant in Company F, 60th Indiana Veteran Infantry.  In this shot he is seated wearing a lieutenant's coat with veteran's stripes.  Writtten on the front bottom of the image is "Lieut George Peva".  The backmark is "From Harvey's New York Photographic Gallery, 106 Poydras St. - Between Camp and St. Charles, New Orleans.".
This regiment was partially organized at Evansville in Nov., 1861, and during the recruiting was ordered to Camp Morton, Indianapolis, to guard prisoners. The last companies joined in March, 1862, and the regiment was mustered in by detachments. It left the state June 20, first going to Louisville, thence to Lebanon and later moving to Munfordville, which was surrounded by Bragg's army and captured after a determined fight in September. Among those taken prisoners were seven companies of the 60th, the other companies being detached for bridge guard duty near Lebanon Junction at the time and thus escaped. The prisoners were paroled and were joined at the parole camp at Indianapolis by the other companies. The paroled companies were exchanged in November and the regiment joined the Army of the Mississippi, being first engaged in the battle of Arkansas Post. It was in the Vicksburg campaign as part of the 1st brigade, 10th division, 13th army corps, with which it took part in the fatiguing marches, the battles of Port Gibson, Champion's hill, Black river, and in the trenches before Vicksburg until the surrender. It took part in the siege of Jackson and in various minor engagements and skirmishes, after which it was assigned to Banks' army and took part in the Teche expedition, being engaged at Grand Coteau. Returning to New Orleans, it embarked for Texas, where it was stationed for a time at Pass Cavallo, was then ordered back to New Orleans and joined the Red river expedition. It reached Alexandria on March 19 and a few days later Mower's division defeated Gen. Dick Taylor at Cane river. At Sabine cross-roads, the 60th lost heavily in killed, wounded and prisoners, the Union forces being defeated. After the defeat of the enemy at Pleasant Hill the following day, the command returned to Vicksburg. The regiment reenlisted and visited home on furlough, but its remuster was not accepted, the war department deciding it had not served long enough to entitle it to a remuster as a veteran organization. On its return to the field, it was stationed at Thibodeaux, La., until the fall of 1864. It was engaged at Carrion Crow bayou, suffering heavy loss, and after that was stationed at Algiers, near New Orleans, until Feb. 24, 1865. It was mustered out at Indianapolis on March 21, 1865. The recruits whose terms were unexpired were transferred to the 26th Ind. The original strength of the regiment was 945; gain by recruits, 151; total, 1,096. Loss by death, 203; desertion 87; unaccounted for, 29.

Lt. Narcissus J. Mennier - 93 Indiana Infantry CDV - P.O.W.

A nice image of Lt. Narcissus J. Mennier of Company G of the 93rd Indiana Infantry.  Mennier mustered in August 1862 as a sergeant.  He was promoted to a 2nd Lieutenant in March 1863 and to a 1st Lieutenant in December 1863.  He was listed as a Prisioner of War in June 1864 and was confined at Macon, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina.  He was captured at Salem, Mississippi.  He mustered out in May 1865.  The backmark is "M. Witt, Photographer, 81 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio.".
This regiment was organized at Madison and was mustered in Oct. 31, 1862. It left the state Nov. 9 for Cairo, Ill., then went to Memphis, where it was assigned to Buckland's brigade. It moved with Sherman's army to Hurricane creek, near Oxford, Miss., and during December operated in the vicinity of La Grange, Tenn. In January it moved to Corinth and then back to Memphis, where it performed railroad and blockhouse guard duty from Feb. 22 to Mar. 13. It was then ordered to Helena, Ark., and thence to Duckport, La., where its division was transferred to the 15th army corps. On May 2 it crossed the peninsula in the opening movement of the Vicksburg campaign ; crossed the Mississippi at Grand Gulf on the 7th with its corps and entered Jackson on the 14th, after a sharp artillery duel. It moved on Vicksburg on the 16th, crossed the Big Black river, reached the rear of the city on the 18th, and participated in the assaults upon the defenses. It was actively engaged in the siege until June 22, when it moved with its division to intercept Johnston's army and threw up works at Little creek. It was in the siege and capture of Jackson in July and then went into camp near the Big Black, where it remained until Sept. 5. It then moved to Oak ridge and encamped until Oct. 14, when its brigade moved in an expedition to Brownsville. Returning to Memphis in November, it was engaged until May 10, 1864, on picket and provost guard duty, in several expeditions into Mississippi, and in occasional skirmishes. In June it took part in the Guntown expedition, and was in the battle near Brice's cross-roads, in which the Union forces were driven from the field, the regiment losing 13 killed, 56 wounded and 184 prisoners, a total of 253. The remainder of the regiment reached Memphis on the 12th, moved to Moscow on the 22nd, and then proceeded to Harrisburg, Miss., where it assisted in repelling the assault on July 15. It then returned to Memphis, having several skirmishes on the march, and moved on another expedition on the 29th, crossing the Tallahatchie on driftwood and skirmishing with the enemy, then moved to Oxford and back. Early in September it moved to Devall's Bluff, Ark., thence to Cape Girardeau, Mo., from there to Little Santa Fe, Kan., and then to St. Louis, which place was reached Nov. 14. It then embarked for Nashville, arriving there in time to take part in the battle in December, and then joined in the pursuit of the enemy to the Tennessee river. At Eastport, Miss., it went into winter quarters, but left on Feb. 6, 1865, for Dauphin island, Ala., which place was reached March 3. It moved up the river on the 19th, took position at Spanish Fort, was active in the siege until the evacuation, when it moved to Fort Blakely and took part in the storming of that position. It moved to Montgomery on the 20th, and there it remained until May 10, moving thence to Selma and Gainesville, where it was stationed until ordered home in August. It was mustered out at Memphis, Aug. 10, 1865, but Cos. I and K and the remaining recruits were kept in service until discharged the following October. The original strength of the regiment was 952; gain by recruits, 200; total, 1,152. Loss by death, 279; desertion, 47; unaccounted for, 22.

Pvt. John Morris - 11 Illinois Cavalry Ruby Red Ambrotype

A nice 9th plate ruby red ambrotype of Private John Morris of Company "L" of the 11th Illinois Cavalry.  Morris mustered in in July 1861 and mustered out in July 1864.  Written inside the case in pencil is"John Morris - Co. L - 11th Illinois Cavely - Vicksburg, Mississippi - Capt - Ober??".  The image is in a half case.

SERVICE.--Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, 1862. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Purdy April 29. Pursuit to Booneville May 30-June 12. Coldwater Station, Miss., June 21 (3rd Battalion). Salisbury, Tenn., August 11. Bolivar, Tenn., August 30. Davis Bridge, Hatchie River, Tenn., September 25. Battle of Corinth, Miss., October 3-4. Pursuit to Hatchie River October 5-12. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863. Lexington, Tenn., December 18, 1862. Salem Cemetery, near Jackson, Tenn., December 19. Huntington, Tenn., December 29-30. Parker's Cross Roads, Red Mound, December 30-31. Near Yorkville, Tenn., January 28, 1863. Dyersburg January 30. Operations in Northwest Mississippi June 15-25. Near Holly Springs, Miss., June 16-17. Hudsonville and on Helena Road, Miss., June 21, Bolivar, Tenn., July 10. Expedition from Memphis, Tenn., to Grenada, Miss., August 12-23. Grenada August 17. Expedition from LaGrange to Toone Station September 11-16. Ordered to Vicksburg, Miss., and duty in that District until December, 1864. Expedition from Big Black River to Yazoo City, Miss., September 27-October 1, 1863. Brownsville September 28. Morris Ford, near Benton, September 29. Expedition to Canton October 14-20. Canton Road near Brownsville October 15-16. Near Clinton and Vernon Roads October 16. Bogue, Chitto Creek, October 17. Robinson's Mills, near Livingston, October 17. Livingston Road, near Clinton, October 18. Near Natchez, Miss, December 7. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 2, 1864. Champion's Hill February 4. Jackson February 5. Hillsborough February 6. Brandon February 7. Morton February 8. Meridian February 9-13. Hillsborough February 10. Meridian February 13-14. Canton February 29 (Detachment). Brownsville March 3. Expedition from Vicksburg to Yazoo City May 4-21. (Detachment). Benton May 7 and 9. Expedition from Vicksburg to Pearl River July 2-10. Clinton July 5. Clinton and Jackson July 7. Expedition from Vicksburg to Rodney and Fayette September 29-October 3 (Detachment). Expedition from Natchez to Woodville October 4-11 (Detachment). Woodville October 5-6. Operations in Issaqueena and Washington Counties October 24-31. Expedition from Vicksburg to Gaines Landing, Ark., and Bayou Macon, La., November 6-8. Expedition from Vicksburg to Yazoo City November 23-December 4. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., December. Grierson's Raid on Mobile & Ohio R. R. December 21, 1864, to January 15, 1865. Franklin Creek December 21-22. Egypt Station December 28, 1864. Franklin January 2, 1865. Expedition from Memphis to Marion, Ark., January 19-22. Marion, Ark., January 20-21, 1865. Duty on Memphis & Charleston R. R. between Memphis and Grand Junction, Headquarters at LaGrange, Tenn., January to September, 1865. Expedition from Memphis to Brownsville, Miss., April 23-26. Mustered out September 30, 1865. Company "G" served detached as Headquarters Guard, 17th Army Corps, and participated in following: Movements on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30, 1863. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Messenger's Ferry, Big Black River, May 29-30 and July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. In Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign June 8 to September 8, 1864. About Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Chattahoochie River July 3-17. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Little Ogeechee River December 4. Station No. 5, Georgia Central R. R., December 4. Siege of Savannah December 10-21.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 32 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 8 Officers and 237 Enlisted men by disease. Total 279.

Chaplain Horace M. Carr - 3 Illinois Cavalry CDV

A  hard to find Chaplain image of Horace M. Carr of the 3rd Illinois Cavalry.  Carr enlisted as Chaplain in September 1861.  In November 1863 he was promoted to the US Volunteers Hospital Chaplains.  He mustered out in August 1865.  There is no backmark on the image.  Written in period pencil on the front of the image is "Chaplain H.M. Carr - 3rd Ill. Cavalry".  A yellow tag on the back of the image says"About 2500 clegymen served as Chaplains.  No more than 600 on duty at one time".  This has been on the image since I have owned it which would be at least 15 years.

SERVICE.--Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo., October 23-November 2, 1861. Moved to Rolla November 13-19, and duty there until January, 1862. Curtis' advance on Springfield February 2-13. Marshfield, Mo., February 9. Pursuit of Price into Arkansas February 14-29. Pott's Hill, Sugar Creek, February 16. Sugar Creek February 17. Bentonville February 17 Battles of Pea Ridge March 6-8. Expedition to Fayetteville March 15. March to Batesville, Ark., April 5-May 3. Talbot's Ferry, White River, April 19. Fairview, Little Red River, June 7 (Co. "L"). Scouts from Batesville June 16-17. March to Helena, Ark., June 26-July 14. Helena July 14. Duty near Helena, Ark., until December. Expedition from Helena to Arkansas Post November 16-21. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland December 3. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 22, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-11, 1863. Capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Milliken's Bend January 21. Richmond January 29. 5 Companies, "B," "C," "F," "H" and "I," ordered to Memphis, Tenn., February, 1863. Other Companies remained on duty with 13th Army Corps to August, 1863. Company "D" with 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, to July, then with Arkansas Expedition until December, 1863. Companies "A," "E," "G," "K," "L" and "M"--Operations from Milliken's Bend to New Carthage March 31-April 17, 1863 (Cos. "A" and "K"). Near New Carthage April 5 (Cos. "A" and "K"). Movement on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Port Gibson May 1. Near Black River May 5 (Detachment). Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Big Black River Bridge May 17. Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Edwards' Station June 10. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Edwards' Station July G. Near Baker's Creek July 7. Bolton's Depot July 8. Near Clinton July 8. Near Jackson July 9. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Brookhaven July 18. Moved to New Orleans, La., August. Campaign in Western Louisiana, operations in Teche Country October 3-November 30. Vermillion Bayou October 9-10. Opelousas and Barre Landing October 21. Washington October 24. Vermillionville November 5. Carrion Crow Bayou November 11. Vermillionville November 11. Camp Pratt November 20 and 25. Vermillionville November 25. Near Baton Rouge March 3, 1864 (Detachment). Jackson March 3, 1864 (Detachment). Livonia March 30. Near Port Hudson April 7 (Detachment). Companies rejoined Regiment at Memphis, Tenn., December, 1863. Companies "B," "C," "F," "H" and "I"--Coldwater and Cochran's Cross Roads May 15, 1863. Expedition from LaGrange, Tenn., to Senatobia, Miss., May 21-26. Senatobia May 23. Operations in Northwest Mississippi June 15-25. Scout to Germantown July 8. Mt. Pleasant August 5. Expedition from Memphis to Grenada, Miss., August 12-23. Grenada August 17. Mt. Pleasant August 25. Expedition from LaGrange to Toon's Station September 11-16. Montezuma September 16. Operations against Chalmers' in North Mississippi and West Tennessee October 4-17. Lockhart's Mills October 6. Salem October 8. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatts', Tallahatchie River, October 13. Operations on Memphis and Charleston R. R. November 3-5. Operations on Memphis and Charleston R. R. against Lee's attack November 28-December 10. Ripley December 1. Near Moscow December 3-4. Near Corinth Dec. 23 (Detachment). Company "D."--Expedition to Greenville, Black Bayou and Deer Creek April 2-14, 1863. Jackson, Miss., May 14. Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Moved to Helena, Ark., July. Steele's Expedition to Little Rock, Ark., August 1-September 10. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Regiment on Smith's Expedition ,from Colliersville, Tenn., to Okolona, Miss., February 11-26, 1864. Holly Springs, Miss., February 12. Near Pontotoc February 17. Houlka Swamp, near Houston, February 17. Near Okolona February 18. Ivey's Hill, near Okolona, February 22. New Albany February 23. Pontotoc February 24. Germantown May 9. Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis into Mississippi June 1-13. Brice's or Tishaming Creek, near Guntown, June 10. Ripley June 11. Near Holly Springs July 1. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. Camargo's Cross Roads, near Harrisburg, July 13. Near Tupelo July 14-15. Old Town Creek July 15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Tallahatchie River August 7-9. Hurricane Creek and Oxford August 9. Hurricane Creek August 13-14 and 19. Forest's attack on Memphis, Tenn., August 21 (Detachment). Scout to Mayfield, Ky., and skirmish August 14-15 (Detachment). Moved to Clifton, Tenn., September 27. Operations in Tennessee and Alabama against Hood November-December. Expedition from Memphis to Moscow November 9-13. Shoal Creek, Ala., November 11. On line of Shoal Creek November 16-20. Duck River November 28. Franklin November 30. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood December 17-28. West Harpeth River December 17. Richland Creek December 24. King's or Anthony's Gap, near Pulaski, December 25. At Gravelly Springs, Ala., until February, 1865. At Eastport, Miss., until May. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., thence to St. Paul, Minn. Operating against Indians in Minnesota and Dakota July 4 to October 1. Mustered out October 18, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 8 Officers and 50 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 173 Enlisted men by disease. Total 234.

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