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11 Wisconsin Infantry - Sylvestor Eastman CDV

A nice seated three quarter view of Sgt. Major Sylvestor Eastman wearing his Sgt. Majors stripes.  The backmark on the image is "Albert Boehm, Photographer, Portage City, Wis.".  Eastman mustered in Sept. 19, 1861 as a Musician.  He was made Principle Musician June 12, 1863 and promoted to Sargent Major July 1, 1865.  The photograph was identified by a photograph in the 11th Wisconsin Regemental Record.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11 Wisconsin Infantry - Horace N. Polley CDV

A nice bust photogaph of Horace N. Polly, 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Written below the photograph on the front of the card is "H N Polly, Princp Mus".  Polly was promoted to Chief Musician on February 13, 1864.  His muster in date was 10/24/61 as a private.  He fought the whole war with this regiment mustering out in September 1865.  The photographer's backmark is "T. Liliethal, Photographic Establishment, 102 Pydras St. New Orleans" with great graphics!
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

Wonderful CDV of Old Abe, the Wisconsin War Eagle

A great image of "Old Abe" the 8th Wisconsin War Eagle.  I have attached interesting information about Old Abe below so I will only talk about the photograph.  This photograph was made and sold at the 1876 U.S. Centennial.  This is actually called "The Centennial Photograph"!  In this photograph Old Abe proudly sits on a perch.  On the back of the CDV is "1776   The Centennial Photograph   1876 - "Old Abe," the Live Wisconsin War Eagle.  Agricultural Hall, (International Exposition,) Philadelphia 1876.  Executive Office, Madison, Wis., Feb'y 8, 1876.  I hereby certify that this picture is a correct likeness of "Old Abe." the Live War Eagle, carried for three years by the 8th Wisconsin Reg't in the War of Rebellion.  Sold with the Eagle's history, By J.O. BARNETT.  Agricultural Building, Centennial Grounds, For The "Old Abe Museum of Ornithology."  A copy of the Govenor of Wisconsin's signature is also on the back.
Old Abe was captured in 1861 by Chief Sky near the Chippewa River, near the town of Jim Falls, in Chippewa County, Wisconsin. She was subsequently traded to local farmer, Daniel McCann, for a bushel of corn, who in turn sold her to the 8th Wisconsin's Company C for $2.50.
Old Abe and the color guard at Vicksburg, July 1863.[1]
From left to right: Ed Homaston, Christopher Darius Gorman, Sgt Ambrose Armitage, (unknown), Myron Riggs and three more unknowns.[2][3]

Company C named the eagle after President Abraham Lincoln, and designed a special perch on which they carried the bird into battle. Old Abe participated in the Second Battle of Corinth (in which the 8th Wisconsin lost half of its men) and the Siege of Vicksburg, among other battles. In battle, Old Abe quickly became legendary, screaming and spreading her wings at the enemy. Confederate troops called her the "Yankee Buzzard" and made several attempts to capture her but never succeeded. Several times she lost feathers to bullets and saw her handlers get shot out from under her. When passing by, Generals Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and William Rosecrans were known to doff their hats to the eagle.

In 1864, Old Abe returned to Wisconsin with several veterans who did not reenlist. Nevertheless, she remained famous and was invited to, among other events, the 1880 Grand Army of the Republic National Convention, and the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When not at public events, her caretaker kept her in the Wisconsin State Capitol.

[edit] Postbellum

Old Abe died from smoke inhalation in a fire at the State Capitol in 1881. Her body was mounted and remained a centerpiece of the capitol. The mount, along with most of the capitol building, was destroyed by fire in 1904.

[edit] In memoriam

The insignia of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division is a depiction of Old Abe. The design is based on one of the Civil War traditions of the state of Wisconsin, which was the territory of the original 101st Division after World War I. The black shield recalls the Iron Brigade, the famous Civil War unit composed of western regiments (although not the 8th Wisconsin).[4]

Old Abe was adopted as the trademark of the J. I. Case agricultural equipment manufacturing company in 1865. The trademark was retired in 1969.

Old Abe is the mascot of Eau Claire Memorial High School, whose athletic teams are known as the "Old Abes", and of Racine Case High School, whose teams are simply the "Eagles".

101st Airborne Division shoulder patch.
A replica of Old Abe presides over the Wisconsin State Assembly Chamber.
Old Abe on the Wisconsin Memorial, Vicksburg National Military Park.

[edit] Battles

Old Abe was present at numerous battles and lesser engagements during the war:[5]

6th Wisconsin Artillery Battery - 2nd LT. John W. Fancher CDV

A nice bust image of this young officer, 2nd LT. John W. Fancher.  The 6th Wisconsin Artillery Battery fought at Island No. 10, Corinth (Oct. '62), Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion's Hill, and Vicksburg.  The image was placed on a card made for tintypes so you can see the back of the image from the rear of the card.  Obviously the photographer ran out of the normal cards used for CDVs and had to make due!

6th Wisconsin Light Artillery Battery - Frank W. Parish CDV

A nice bust view of Frank W. Parish of the 6th Wisconsin Light Artillery Battery.  "F.W. Parish - 6th Wis. Batery" is signed in ink on the front of the image.  The photographer's backmark is "Fuller, Gilman's Block, Madison, WIS."  The 6th Wisconsin Light Battery fought at Island No. 10, Corinth (Oct. '62), Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion's Hill, Vicksburg, and Missionary Ridge.  It wintered in Huntsville, Alabama and spent the summer of 1864 at and around Fort Etowah, Cartersville, Georgia.  It was moved to Nashville on November 10, 1864 and was at Fort Barry.   

58th North Carolina Partisan Rangers Infantry Ided CDV

A very nice CDV of Major George Washington Finley Harper.  George Washington Finley Harper of Caldwell County enlisted at the age of twenty-seven in May 1862. In 1863 he was promoted to captain of Company H, Fifty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Troops, Army of Tennessee. He participated in all the major battles in the west until wounded at Resaca, Georgia, in May 1864. After returning to duty, he fought at Bentonville on March 19-21, 1865.  Harper was the regimental historian.  athe image is a bust shot with a majors star on his collar.  Written on the back of the CDV is "G.W.F. Harper - 58th N.C. Regt".  The backmark is "R.A. Lewis, 160 Chatham Street, New York".  Harper went on to have signifigant political career in North Carolina and was mayor of Lenoir, North Carolina for a time.  A very clean CDV.

Albumen of Parrott Rifled Cannon at Yorktown

A wonderful albumen size image of the Parrott rifled cannon, Battery #1 at Yorktown, Virginia.  This is a great looking image!  It is an original Civil War albumen image of a line fort size Parrott patent rifled cannon.  The image shows the row of cannon that appear ready for action.  One thing that is cool about the image is that in the lower left hand corner is a group of the large bolt style Parrott solid shot projectiles known to collectors as "Bolts".  The image is vividly clear and is in superb condition.  The image itself measures 9 inches by 7inches  in size.  The card stock that the photographer mounted the onto measures 11 inches by 9 inches which is a perfect size for framing.  On the back of the card it has in old ink "Battery of "Parrott" Guns"".  It has some more modern notations down in the lower right hand corner.  It states that the negative was done in 1862 by Wood & Gibson and depicts Battery #1 near Yorktown, Virginia.  It adds that the battery held"...six of the heaviest guns ever mounted on land, 1,200 pound Parrott + 5- 100 lbs".  This is a fantastic image that any photo or artillery collector would love to have hanging on their wall.  It would look great beside one of the projectiles like the cannon shot.

Signed Cabinet Card of General Charles W. Field

A very nice cabinet card of a post war view of General Charles William Field, CSA.  Field graduated West Point in 1849 and served in the prewar army.  He resigned in May 1861 and was assigned to Colonel, 6th Virginia Cavalry.  He was commisioned brigadier general on March 9, 1862.  He led his infantry brigade in the Seven Days battles, Cedar Mountain, and 2nd Manassas, where he received a desperate wound.  He was promoted major general February 12, 1864 and was assigned to General Hood's old division of the 1st Corps.  He led with marked distinction through the remaining campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia, and was finally paroled at Appomattox.  He went to Egypt after the war and fought for the Khedive.  When he came home he was doorkeeper of the national House of Representatives, a civil engineer in government employ, and was superintendent of the Hot Springs, Arkansas reservation.
The cabinet card is signed by Fields.  He signed it "Charles W. Field - Maj. Gen. Longstreet Corps - Army N Va".  At some point this photograph was glued into a book as can be seem by the missing paper on the back of the card. 

Colonel Nathaniel C Macrae, Squirel Hunter, Albumen Photograph

A large albumen photograph of Colonel Nathaniel Macrae.  Macrae graduated West Point in 1826.  He was moved out to protect the pioneers and fought in the Black Hawk War.  He lost one of his legs in a hurricane but was still sent out to take command of Fort Union, New Mexico.  He also commanded Fort Massachusetts at the headwaters of the Arkansas River.  He was moved back to command Jefferson Barracks in the late 1850's.  He lost his wife and due to intense grief retired from the United State Regular Army after 1st Bull Run.  He was appointed head of the Volunteer Recruiting Service for Ohio and was finally made a mustering officer.  He also was involed in the Veteran's Reserve Corp.  He was breveted Lt. Colonel and then Colonel.  During 1862 when Kirby Smith made a move toward capturing Cincinnati, Ohio, Macrae was in charge and commanded 1500 "Squirel Hunters".  The "Squirel Hunters" were men that were not in the army but volunteered to save Cincinnati from the Confederate threat. 
Colonel Macrae had a super record with the early Pioneer Indian War army and finished his career at the end of the Civil War.  The actual photograph is approximately 4 3/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches.  It is mounted on a flexible sheet of paper approxiamtely 9 1/2 inches by 7 3/4 inches.

General Sherman on Horse at Atlanta CDV


A great photograph of General Sherman sitting on his horse at the battle lines in Atalnta, Georgia.  This image does not have a backmark but it is well known that George Bernard snapped this photograph.  Bernard joined the Army of the Cumberland and photographed the army from Lookout Mountain to Atlanta.  His works are well known and difficult to acquire especially his albumens.

Fort Jefferson, Florida Civil War Fort CDV

A wonderful CDV of Fort Jefferson, Florida from the water.  Written on the top of the CDV is "Fort Jefferson Florida".  Writeen on the back of the image is"The 110th Regt stationed in this Fort more than two years.  After Lincoln was assassinated the conspirators were sent there, they were released after the war.".  The fort was started in the 1840's and is today the least visited national park!  It was one of if not the largest masonary forts built to protect the U.S. from naval invasion.
The fort remained in Federal hands throughout the Civil War. With the end of hostilities in 1865, the fort's population declined to 1,013, consisting of 486 soldiers or civilians and 527 prisoners. The great majority of prisoners at Fort Jefferson were Army privates whose most common transgression was desertion while most civilian prisoners transgressed by robbery. However, in July 1865 four special civilian prisoners arrived. These were Dr. Samuel Mudd, Edmund Spangler, Samuel Arnold, and Michael O'Laughlen, who had been convicted of conspiracy in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Construction of Fort Jefferson was still under way when Dr. Mudd and his fellow prisoners arrived, and continued throughout the time they were imprisoned there and for several years thereafter, but was never completely finished. Mudd provided much-praised medical care during a yellow fever epidemic at the fort in 1867, and was eventually pardoned by President Andrew Johnson and released. By 1888, the military usefulness of Fort Jefferson had waned, and the cost of maintaining the fort due to the effects of frequent hurricanes and the corrosive and debilitating tropical climate could no longer be justified. In 1888, the Army turned the fort over to the Marine Hospital Service to be operated as a quarantine station.

Rockingham, North Carolina UCV Camp Photograph


A great photograph of the United Confederate Veteran camp in Rockingham, North Carolina.  The photograph has the Confederate Veterans standing and sitting outside a house.  Two young girls are standing behind the veterans on the porch.  The actual photograph is approximately 7 7/8 inches by 9 5/8 inches.  The photograph is attached to a large brown/gray card that is approxiamtely 12 inches by 14 inches.  On the brown/gray card is stamped "From D.F. Morgan & Sons Photographers - Rockingham, N.C."  The photograph is framed in an old frame which is not pictured but is included.  A cardboard backing has "Charlie Jones" written in pencil.  Rockingham, North Carolina is located on Hwy 74 between Charlotte and Fayetteville.  Great photo!

Christ Church, ALexandria, Virginia CDV

A very nice, clear CDV of Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia.  The photographer on the CDV is E. Schuler, Photographer, Corner King & Pitt Sts., Alexandria, VA.  Written on the back of the CDV is "Sold by the Ladies Society of the Church - Built 1776 - Christ Church, Alexandria, Va.".

Grapiot Military Prison, St. Louis, MO. CDV

A nest CDV of the main Civil War militry prison located in St. Louis, Missouri.  The image is of a drawing of the Grapiot Military prison.  The backmark is "Schoo & Crouch, Successors to J.A. Scholten, No. 273 South 4th Street, Corner of Conoet, St. Louis, Mo.".

Washington Monument, Richmond, Virginia CDV with Soldiers

A very nice image of the Washington Monument in Richmond, Virginia.  A group of Union soldiers are sitting and walking around the base.  THe image has a backmark of Selden & Co., No. 814 Main Street, Richmond, VA.  "Washington Monument" is written in period ink on the back of the image. 

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