
American Civil War Relics
A neat web site with all types of Ciivl War and later militaria.

Army of Tennessee Civil War Relics
Nick Periut has great Civil War pieces.  Located in Knoxville, Tennessee, he is a fixture at the Civil War shows and has great stuff!

Fort Donelson Relics
John and Nikki Walsh have built thier Civil War business to being one of the best in Middle Tennessee.  Don't miss their great web site!

Franklin Relics
Bruce Hohler's Franklin Relics has great Civil War swords, buttons, images, and other great items.

Frohne & Son Historic Military
If you read "Military Images" you might notice an ad on the back cover for the Premier Military Image Dealers! Perry is the other one of the two Premier Dealers. If you follow this link you will enjoy a great time viewing Perry's Civil War images.

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Developers of Web-Cat

Heritage Sword
Taylor Roe has been selling quality identified Ohio swords and artifacts for many years.  His web site will offer you quality swords and other Civil War items.


Iron Brigade Relics
Harvey Warner sells all types of great CIvil War items.  You will enjoy a visit to his web site.

Jack Melton's Civil War Artillery
Everything to do with Civil War artillery.

Jim Stanley Civil War Relics
Visit Jim Stanleys web site for Civil War relics and paper!

Medhurst & Co.
If you read "Military Images" you might notice an ad on the back cover for the Premier Military Image Dealers! Mike is one of the two Premier Dealers. If you follow this link you will enjoy a great time viewing Mike's Civil War images.

Tennessee Reb Girl
Peggy Dillard has been dealing in Americana for many years and has just created her tennrebgirl web site. She has great stuff! Do not miss it.

Wartime Collectables
We buy military items in single pieces or entire collections! Andrew H. & Gale V. Lipps P.O. Box 165, Camden, SC 29020-0165 ph. 803-424-5273 or email
Featured Item
105 Ohio Infantry Captain M.W. Wright Pin Back

Catalog update 02/09/24
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