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General Richard A. Sneed Photograph

A nice photograph of Genral Richard A. Sneed and another veteran riding in a car at the 1932 United Confederate Veterans national reunion held in Richmond, VIrginia.  General Sneed is in the front seat of the car and you can see the other veteran behind him.  Written on the back of the photograph is "June 25, 1932.  Two Confederate Veterans as they rode in the parade.".
Sneed was in the 18th Mississippi and fought for the whole war with the Army of Northern Virginia. He was captured twice. After the war he went back to Mississippi and then on to Oklahoma( Indian Territory) in the 1880's. He was Secretary of State for Oklahoma and also the state treasurer. In 1929 he was elected Commander in Chief of the United Confederate Veterans.
The photograph is approxiamtely 4 5/8 inches by 2 5/8 inches.  There is a very faint Fox Photo - Washington, D.C. stamp on the back of the photo.

Union Infantry Bugler CDV by Matthew Brady


A nice Union infantry bugler CDV photographed by Matthew Brady.  The soldier is standing and is wearing his kepi and a frock coat.  His bugle is lovingly craddled in his arm.  "Brady, Washington." is on the bottom of the front card stock.  The back of the card is clear. 

3rd Rhode Island Cavalry Armed Bugler CDV

A wonderful hand tinted CDV of a bugler that served with the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry.  The soldier is wearing his cavalry shell jacket.  He is holding his cavalry saber.  On the table next to the soldier is his bugle and his kepi.  On the top of the kepi you can see crossed sabers and "3 R I".  The backmark on this great image is "Scholfield Photographer - Westerly, R.I.". 

Union Bugler CDV


A nice Union bugler CDV in the carte de vista format.  The image does not have a backmark.  The bugler is standing and is holding the bugle in his hand.  A very nice bugler cdv. 

GAR Group Photograph - Ladder Badges and Officer Badges

A really nice Grand Army of the Republic group photograph.  Seven veterans are standing holding a United States flag with and eagle staff topper.  Four of the veterans are wearing many badges!  One veteran is wearing a shield ladder badge and another is wearing a ladder badge with four ladders.  There are many officers badges on the veterans and one is wearing a 1916 Kansas City National badge.  The overall dimentions of the gray card the photo is mounted on is approximately 8 inches by 10 inches.  The photograph is approximately 4 3/8 inches by 6 3/8 inches.  I do not see a photographers mark on the card.

General Joseph H. Lewis CDV

General Joseph A. Lewis was Colonel of the 6th Kentucky Infantry.  He led the 6th Kentucky at Shiloh, Murfreesboro, and Chickamauga.  Upon the death of Ben Hardin Helm, he succeeded to the command of the Orphan Brigade, and was promoted brigadier general from September 30, 1863.  After the capture of Atlanta the brigade was mounted and attached to Wheeler's cavalry corps, with which it served against Sherman in the March to the Sea and inthe Carolinas.  General Lewis finally surrendered as a part of Jefferson Davis' escort.

7th Kentucky Infantry - Lt. Martin V. Sutton CDV

A full standing, armed photograph of Lt. Martin V. Sutton, 7th Kentucky Infantry USA.  Sutton was commisioned into Company G of the 7th Kentucky Infantry in September 1861.  He was mustered out October 1864.  The image does not have a backmark but "Lieut. M.V. Sutton" is written in period ink on the back of the image.  The 7th Kentucky was in General Sherman's army when he attacked and retreated from Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi early in the Vicksburg campaign.  It also participated in all the battles of the Vicksburg campaign under General Grant.  Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion's Hill, Big Black River, the battles at Vicksburg, and the seige at Vicksburg  all were battles the 7th participated in.  The 7th Kentucky was moved to Louisiana and fought in the Red River Campaign in May 1864. 

22 Kentucky Infantry - Captain James W. Scott CDV

A nice CDV of Captain James W. Scott of the 22 Kentucky Infantry.  Scott mustered in October 1861 as a Captain.  The image is a nice bust view.  "Jno. W. Scott Capt." is signed in period ink under the photograph of Scott.  The backmark is "W.W. Hoyt's New York Gallery, Louisville, KY".

11th Wisconsin Infantry - Montgomery F. Billings CDV

A nice image of Sgt. Montgomery F. Billings of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Billings  mustered in as Corporal in September 1861.  He mustered out September 1865.  He was promoted to Sergeant.  The image is a nice bust view.  Written under the photograph on the front of the card is "M.F. Billings Sergt Co. "F"". in period ink.  There is a backmark and it reads "Photographed at the People's Gallery, Cor. Poydras and Baronne Sts.  W.H. Lesson, Proprietor.".
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11 Wisconsin Infnatry - Henry C. Harrington CDV

A nice image of Private Henry C. Harrington of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Harrington mustered in September 1861.  He mustered out for disability in June 1865.  He was wounded at Bayou Cache, Arkansas on July 7, 1862 and again at Vicksburg, MS on May 22, 1863 in one of Grant's assaults on the city.  The image is a nice bust view.  Written on the front of the card under the photograph is "Truly Yours H.C. Harrington".  The backmark on the card is "Leeson's Photographic Gallery, 167 Poydras St., New Orleans."  An orange 2 cent initialed stamp is on the back of the card.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11 Wisconsin Infantry - Sgt. Major James S. Robinson CDV

A nice image of Sergeant Major James S. Robinson of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Robinson mustered in as Corporal in September 1861.  He mustered out September 1865.  He was promoted to Sergeant, 1st Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and 2nd. LT.  The image is a nice bust view.  Written below the photograph on the front of the card in period ink is "J.S. Robinson - Sergt Major - 11 Wis".  There is no backmark on the back of the card.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  Tth 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11 Wisconsin Infantry - Austin Carver CDV

A nice image of Austin Carver of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Carver mustered in September 1861 as a Corporal.  He mustered out September 1865.  The image is a nice bust view.  There is no backmark but "Austin Carver- Co G (or B, I can't exactly make it out)  11th Wis Vet Vol" is written in ink on the back of the card.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11 Wisconsin Infantry - Corporal William Taylor CDV

A nice image of Corporal William Taylor of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  Taylor mustered in as Corporal in September 1861.  He mustered out September 1865.  He was wounded at Vicksburg, MS on May 22, 1863 in one of Grant's assaults on the city.  The image is a nice three quarter view clearly showing Taylor's corporal stripes.  There is no backmark but "Corpl' Wm Taylor - Co "B"  11th Wis" is written in ink on the back of the card.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11th Wisconsin Infantry - Rufus I. Hitchcock CDV

A nice, crisp image of Rufus I. Hitchcock, Comm. Sergt. of the 11th Wisconsin Infantry.  There is no backmark but an ink identification of "Rufus I. Hitchcock - Com Sergt 11th Wis" is written on the back.  Hitchcock mustered in Sept. 1861 and mustered out Sept. 1865.  He mustered in as a corporal and was promoted to Sergeant and then commisary sergeant.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

11th Wisconsin Infantry - Corporal Robt. G. Crubaugh CDV

A nice bust up view of Corporal Robert G. Crubaugh.  Signed on the front of the card under the image is "Robt Crubaugh - Privt - Co "H" - 11th Wis" in ink.  There is no backmark on this image.  Crubaugh mustered in in October, 1861 and mustered out Sept. 1865.  He must have been busted because he mustered in as a Corporal.
The 11th Wisconsin Infantry started their battle experience at Bayou Cache, Arkansas.  The regiment patroled along the Mississippi River until it was swept up in Grant's push toward Vicksburg.  The 11th fought at Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, the Big Black River, and Vicksburg.  The regiment received a special compliment from Colonel Stone, brigade commander, at Port Gibson.  At the Big Black the regiment led the charge which carried the enemy's works, and captured several hundred prisioners.  At Vicksburg it's loss was heavy, the regiment occupying open ground which was swept by Confederate bullets.  The regiment fought General Forrest in Northen Mississippi and moved to Louisiana.  The regiments last battle was Fort Blakely, Alabama.  The 11th Wisconsin was among one of the first regiments to place it's colors on the enemy's parapet in the face of murderous fire.  The 11th Wisconsin was mustered out in September, 1865.

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