SOLD Items
Soldiers at Lula Falls-Lookout Mountain CDV

A really great CDV of three soldiers standing in front of Loulah Falls on Lookout Mountain. The backmark on the CDV is "Photographed at Gallery Point Lookout, Lookout Mountain, A.D. 1864 - R.M. Linn, Prop'r" with a United States flag. This is a very hard to find CDV of Lookout Mountain.

General Thomas & Staff on Lookout Mountain Albumen

SOLD!!! Outstanding albumen of General Thomas and is staff photographed on Lookout Mountain. This fantastic photograph has all the officers identified on the photograph. The photograph is approximately 15 15/16 inches by 13 1/4 inches. These large albumens very rarely come on the market. Don't miss this one!

JEB Stuart CDV

SOLD!!! A nice CDV of Jeb Stuart! This is the one everyone likes to have in their collection. You can see his sword and his hat in his lap. The upper right corner was mashed when the origional buyer put this in the album. This CDV just came out of the family with many of the other great Confederate CDV's on my web site. There is no backmark on this CDV.

Stonewall Jackson seated CDV with Maryland B/M

SOLD!!! A really nice, clean CDV of Stonewall Jackson with a Maryland backmark! The backmark on this CDV is "Stanton & Butler, 79 W. Fayette St., one door from Charles, Baltimore". Don't miss this one!

Minnesota Union Soldier on Lookout Mountain CDV

SOLD!!! A great photo of an identified soldier on lookout Mountain with an R.M. Linn- Point Lookout backmark. The soldier is identified in perion ink on the back of the CDV.

North Carolina Colonel John W. Hinsdale CDV

SOLD!!! Incredible CDV of Colonel John W. Hinsdale of the 72 North Carolina. Hinsdale was on the staff of General Pettigrew and General Pender. After the Seven Days battles he joined the staff of Lt. General T.H. Holmes in the Trans-Mississippi Department. He distinquished himself for coolness and bravery in the battle of Helena in 1863. He was made Colonel of the 72 North Carolina and commanded in the battles of Kinston and Bentonville, N.C. This CDV just came out of the family and will go quick.

Confederate General James J. Pettigrew CDV

SOLD!!! General Pettigrew is a very hard to find CDV. Killed on the retreat from Gettysburg, Pettigrew's brigade fought in General Henry Heth's division and Pettigrew took over after Heath was wounded. Pettigrew's brigade took staggering losses at Gettysburg. It is clear Pettigrew never took much time to have his photograph taken and this is the only photograph of Pettigrew shown in "The Confederate General". Don't miss this one!

Colonel John S. Mosby CDV with Maryland B/M

This is one you need to buy quick. A wonderful CDV of Colonel Mosby. It is a very clear bust shot. You can clearly see his colonel stars on his neck and his buttons. There is no retouch on this photograph like you see on a lot of Mosby photographs. The backmark on this CDV is "Stanton & Butler - 79 W. Fayette St., one door from Charles, Baltimore". This is a clean CDV!

Unidentified Full Standing Confederate Officer CDV

SOLD!!! A great CDV of an unidentified Confederate officer. The officer is wearing a double brested coat with at least 13 cuff buttons on his cuff! It must be an early war photo because they wouldn't have had that many excess buttons later in the war. There is no backmark on the CDV.

Vicksburg Water Battery with Photographers CDV

SOLD!!! A great CDV of a river battery at Vicksburg. On the back is written in pencil "4 gun water Rebel Battery at Vicksburg". This great CDV has Confederate cannon with tents in the background. The first man in the photograph is a photographer. The CDV has been cut down to fit in an album. Wonderful CDV!

Captured Confederate Artillery from Lookout Mtn

SOLD!!! A wonderful CDV of captured Confederate artillery from Missionary Ridge. There is a Union sentry standing guard over many captured Confederate cannon. On the back of the CDV in pencil is "Rebel Artillery". I have only seen two of these CDV's and I have a copy from the back of the other CDV with this photo. It says "Artillery captured by Federals at Battle of Missionary Ridge. Parked near General Thomas' H'd Qtrs(?) Chattanooga Tenn". I will send this copy to the purchaser. Great outdoor photo of Captured Confederate cannons! The backmark is "Crater's Union Photograpic Gallery - 55 Clark St. Chicago".

Officers on Lookout Mountain CDV - R.M. Linn

Great CDV of Union officers on Lookout Mountain. Five officers are sitting or reclining on the famous rock on Lookout Mountain. On the back of the CDV is an orange tax stamp with a R.M. Linn, Point Lookout cancellation stamp. This CDV came out of General Whipple's album.

Men & Women Seated on Umbrella Rock Photo

A great photograph of two men and eight women on Umbrella Rock on Lookout Mountain. Look at the hats on these ladies! The card is approximately 7 inches by 9 inches. The photograph is approximately 5 5/8 inches by 4 7/8 inches. Rollins & Linn are the photographers as noted on the back of the photograph.

Men with Badges on Umbrella Rock Photograph

A great photograph of five men on Umbrella Rock on Lookout Mountain. The men are wearing badges. The card is approximately 7 inches by 9 inches. The photograph is approximately 5 5/8 inches by 4 7/8 inches. Rollins & Linn are the photographers as noted on the back of the photograph.

Two Men seated on Umbrella Rock Cabinet Card

Here is a great cabinet card of two men seated on Umbrella Rock on Lookout Mountain. This great photo was taken by Hardie Bros. Photographers as noted on the back of the card. The card is approximately 6 1/2 inches by 4 3/16 inches.

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9 Georgia Light Artillery IDED Badge with Cannon

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