General Lovell H. Rousseau CDV

Offered is a CDV of General Lovell Harrison Rousseau.  Rousseau served as the Captain of the 2nd Indiana Volunteers in the Mexican War.  He was elected to the Kentucky state senate in 1860 but resigned in 1861 to recruit volunteers for the Union.  Rousseau was commissioned Colonel of the 3rd Kentucky (Union) Infantry on September 9, 1861.  He was promoted Brigadier General on October 1, 1861, and was promoted to Major General on October 22, 1862.  At Shiloh he commanded a brigade of D.C. Buell’ Army of the Ohio and at Perryville gallantly led a division of Alexander McD. McCook’s corps.  Subsequently, he succeeded to divisional command in G.H. Thomas’ Army of the Cumberland, serving with distinction at the battle of Murfreesboro (Stone’s River) in the Tullahoma campaign and at the end of the Chickamauga campaign.  Although he was not present at the battle of Chickamauga itself, he rejoined his command the day after.  From November, 1863 , until November, 1865, General Rousseau had command of the districts of Nashville and of Tennessee, the latter with headquarters at Murfreesboro.  He resigned in 1865 to take a seat in Congress.

The image is a bust shot.  The back mark is “Published by E. & H.T. Anthony, 501 Broadway, new York, Manufacturers of the best Photographic Albums”. 

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $100.00 USD

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