Civil War Photographs
Misc. Photos
Early Photograph of Stones River National Cemetary

A neat photograph of the Stones River National Cemetary in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  The United States Regulars monument is left of center and you can see named and unnamed markers.  The photograph is 4 1/2 inches by 3 3/8 inches.  The card is approximately 5 1/8 inches by 4 3/16 inches.  Written on the back in brown ink is "Stones River National Cemetary - Murfreesboro, Tenn - No. of graves - Known 3817.  Unknown 2330 - 6146 Total.".  A nice early photograph of the cemetary.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $185.00 USD

Jonanthan R. Cleveland, Palmetto Sharpshooters & 4th SC Infantry Tintype

Atintype of a hard to find member of the Palmetto Sharpshooters and the 4th South Carolina Infnatry.  The image is of Jonathan R. Cleveland.  Cleveland served in COmpany L of the Palmetto Sharpshooters.  Cleveland served in the 4th South Carolina Infantry until selected to serve in the Palmetto Sharpshooters.  Cleveland is on the list of members of the Palmetto Shrpshooters present at the Appomattox surrender.  The image has flaked on the upper right side but does not affect the soldier's image.  The tintype is surrounded by a CDV size holded.  Written on the back of the image in period pencil is "Jonathan R. Cleveland".  Also written in pencil on the back of the image is information I have found about Cleveland.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $385.00 USD

8 New Jersey Infantry Flags Cabinet Card

A hard to find image of the Civil War flags of the 8th New Jersey Infantry.  There are two flags crossed in their war torn state.  The image is a cabinet card and is photographer marked "Jean Dagle - Extra Finish - Murphysboro".  Written on the back of the image in period writting is "8th N.J. Inftry". 
 Eighth Infantry.--Cols., Adolphus J. Johnson, John Ramsey;
Lieut.-Cols., Thomas L. Martin, Joseph Trawin, William Ward,
John Willian, Henry Hartford; Majs., Peter M. Ryerson, William
A. Henry, George Hoffman, Virgil M. Healey, Louis M. Morris. 
This regiment was organized under the provisions of an act of
Congress, approved July 22, 1861, and was fully organized,
officered and equipped by Sept. 14, at which time it was
mustered into the service of the United States, for three
years, at Camp Olden, Trenton.  It left the state on Oct. 1,
with 38 officers, 851 non-commissioned officers and privates, a
total of 889.  Upon arrival at Washington it went into camp at
Meridian hill, and there remained until the early part of Dec.,
1861, when it was ordered to report to Gen. Joseph Hooker, near
Budd's ferry, Md., where the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th N. J.
regiments were brigaded and designated the 3d brigade of
Hooker's division, generally known as the 2nd New Jersey
brigade.  The regiment received its initiation into actual
warfare at the battle of Williamsburg, where with the 6th and
7th it was sent into a wood in front of a line of field-works. 
Among the killed in that battle was Maj. Ryerson, while among
the wounded were a large number of officers, including Col.
Johnson.  Gen. Hooker, in his report of the battle of Fair
Oaks, testified in the most emphatic terms to the gallantry of
the brigade and added that the service assigned to the 7th and
8th in the rear was performed to his entire satisfaction.  The
loss of the regiment at Fair Oaks or Seven Pines was 1 killed
and 6 wounded.  In the engagement at Bristoe Station Lieut.-
Col. Ward was wounded in the arm and side, and Capt. J. Tuite
was killed.  In the series of engagements ending at Chantilly
on Sept. 1, 1862, the regiment lost 25 men.  In the formation
of troops for the battle of Chancellorsville, the New Jersey
brigade, which at that time included the 2nd N. Y., 115th Pa.,
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th N. J., under command of Gen. Mott,
crossed the Rappahannock on May 1.  The 5th and 8th N. J. were
detached to guard the pontoons, while the others were picketed
along the Rappahannock to its junction with the Rapidan and
thence along that river to connect with pickets thrown out by
Carr's 1st N. Y. brigade.  Mott received instructions directing
Him to guard the ford, Seeley's battery being placed at his
disposal.  At 6 o'clock on the morning of May 3, the battle
opened with skirmishing on the left, and it soon extended along
the entire front, accompanied by a hot artillery fire from the
enemy, the first shot from the latter's guns killing 2 men of
the 8th.  At one period of the engagement, a section of
artillery belonging to Dimmick's regular battery, 1st
artillery, being in danger of capture, all the cannoneers and
horses having been killed, Gen. Mott despatched Capt. Nichols
with a detachment of the 8th to bring it off by hand.  The
battery was rescued, the gallant heroes of the 8th, with the
brave Capt. Nichols, bringing the guns safely into the lines. 
The losses of the regiment were 21 killed, 96 wounded and 10
missing, Col. Ramsey being among the wounded.  At the battle of
the Wilderness, the brigade was advanced to a position on the
Brock road, where breastworks were hastily thrown up, the 5th
and 8th N. J., under command of Col. Sewell, moving up the road
to its junction with what was known as the Furnace road, where
Sewell was placed in command of the skirmish line.  The total
losses of the regiment during the months of May and June, 1864,
amounted to 15 killed, 140 wounded and 25 missing.  In an
engagement on the north bank of James river on Aug. 16, the
regiment moved forward as a forlorn hope, the object being to
develop the enemy's strength, and under command of Col. Ramsey,
advanced steadily under a deadly cross-fire until it was found
that it would be impossible to reach the works, when the
command slowly retired.  At the battle of Hatcher's run all the
regiments of the brigade were behind breastworks, except the
8th, then commanded by Maj. Hartford, which was exposed to a
galling fire, but it stood nobly to its work.  The loss in the
brigade was 53, mainly in the 8th, owing to its exposed
position.  At the opening of the fight at Armstrong's house the
7th and 8th N. J. were on the right of the division.  Later in
the day Lieut.-Col. Schoonover's command was attacked and
driven from the works occupied in the morning, but the 7th and
8th going to his help, his line was reestablished and securely
held.  At Boydton plank road an assault was made by the 11th
and 8th N. J., with two other regiments, upon one of the
Confederate works, the men advancing through heavy slashings to
the crest of a hill overlooking the enemy's position, and
succeeding in occupying part of his rifle-pits.  On April 2 a
general attack on the enemy's line was ordered, and at 8
o'clock the 8th N. J., advancing on the immediate front in the
midst of a fire of musketry, shell and canister, captured the
entire picket line of the enemy--165 men and 200 muskets-
whereupon the 11th N. J. and 11th Mass. were advanced and a
charge was made on the main intrenchments of the Confederates,
resulting in the capture of further prisoners and the
occupation of the works.  On June 25, 1863, a large number of
the 8th reenlisted in the field, for three years or during the
war, and those who did not reenlist and whose term of service
had expired were mustered out at Trenton, Sept. 21, 1864. 
Those who remained were consolidated into the 8th battalion and
so remained until Oct. 12, 1864, at which time the 6th
battalion was joined to it by transfer.  The command then
resumed its regimental organization, which it continued until
the close of the war, the regiment being finally mustered out
at Washington, July 17, 1865.  The total strength of the
regiment was 2,795, and it lost, by resignation 35, by
promotion 56, by discharge 431, by transfer 336, by death 284,
by dismissal 4, by desertion 416, not accounted for 247,
mustered out, 986.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $650.00 USD

96 Ohio Infantry Civil War Flags Cabinet Card

A cabinet card of the Civil War flags of the 96th Ohio Infantry.  On one of the flags you can read the various battle honors.  Written on the back of the image in period ink is "The old flags of the 96th regiment after the battle belong to J.L. Davy.".  Information on John L. Davy of the 96th Ohio is below.
John L. Davy

Residence was not listed; 26 years old.

Enlisted on 8/8/1862 as a Private.

On 8/19/1862 he mustered into "G" Co. OH 96th Infantry 
He was Mustered Out on 7/7/1865 at Mobile, AL

He was listed as:
* Furloughed 10/2/1863 (place not stated) (Sick.  Furloughed for 60 days)
* Detached 3/11/1864 Pioneer Corps

* Corpl 2/14/1863 

Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* 11/18/1864 from company G to company D 

After the War he lived in Sunbury, OH
96th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Delaware, Ohio, and mustered in August 29, 1862. Ordered to Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1, thence to Covington and Newport, Ky., September 3, and duty there during threatened attack on Cincinnati by Kirby Smith. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of Kentucky, Dept. of Ohio, to October, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of Kentucky, to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, to January, 1862. 1st Brigade, 10th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee and Army of the Gulf, to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps, to June, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. U.S. forces, mouth of White River, Reserve Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Reserve Corps, February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 13th Army Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Moved to Falmouth, Ky., October 8, 1862, thence to Nicholasville October 23. Moved to Louisville, Ky., thence to Memphis, Tenn., November 13-22. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Landed at Milliken's Bend, La., and Expedition to Dallas Station, on Vicksburg & Shreveport Railroad, and destruction of railroad and stores December 25-26, 1862. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point January 17, and duty there till March 10. Expedition to Greenville, Miss., and Cypress Bend, Ark., February 14-26. Moved to Milliken's Bend, La., March 10, and duty there till April 25. Movement on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Magnolia Hills, Port Gibson, Miss., May 1. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Camp at Vicksburg till August 26. Ordered to New Orleans, La., August 26. Expedition from Carrollton to New and Amite Rivers September 24-29. At Brashear City October 3. Western Louisiana Campaign October 3-November 30. Grand Coteau November 3. Moved to Algiers December 13, thence embark for Texas December 18. Duty at Du Crow's Point, Texas, till March, 1864. Moved to Algiers, La., March 1-6. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Advance from Franklin to Alexandria March 14-26. Skirmish at Bayou de Paul, Carroll's Mills, April 8. Battle of Sabine Cross Roads April 8. Monett's Bluff, Cane River Crossing, April 23. Operations about Alexandria April 26-May 13. Construction of dam at Alexandria April 30-May 10. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Moved to Baton Rouge May 28, and duty there till July 20. Moved to Algiers July 20, thence to Dauphin Island, Ala. Operations in Mobile Bay against Forts Gaines and Morgan August 2-23. Siege and capture of Fort Gaines August 3-8. Siege of capture of Fort Morgan August 9-23. Moved to Morganza September 1. Raid to Greenville Farms September 4. Moved to mouth of White River November 1, and duty there till February 4, 1865. Consolidated to 4 Companies November 18, 1864. Moved to Kennersville, La., February 4, 1865, thence to Mobile Point February 16. Campaign against Mobile and its defences March 17-April 13. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. Expedition to Tombigbee River and Mcintosh Bluffs April 13-May 9. Duty at Mobile till July. Mustered out July 7, 1865. Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 46 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 5 Officers and 286 Enlisted men by disease. Total 339.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $625.00 USD

David Coffman - 8 Indiana Infantry - CDV & Ninth Plate

A nice little grouping of two photos of David Coffman, Company E, 8th Indiana Infantry.  The first image is a full standing image of Coffman holding his slouch hat.  There is no backmark and written in pencil on the back is "David Coffman" and "Sarah White".  The second image is a ninth plate.  Coffman is wearing his slouch hat in this image.  Coffman mustered in March 1862 and was mustered out for disability in January 1864.  He fought with the 8th Indiana at Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion's Hill, Big Black River, Vicksburg, and Jackson.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $365.00 USD

Captain D.B. Crawford - 106 Indiana Infantry Cabinet Card

A full standing image of Captain D.B. Crawford of Company I, 106th Indiana Infantry.  The image is faded.  Written on the bottom of the card is "Capt. D.B. Crawford - Co. i - 106 Regt".  The backmark on the cabinet card is "D.Ryder, Photographic Art Studio - 722 Main St., Richmond, Ind. 1889. Duplicates or Enlargements can be furnished from this negative - Fine Crayons a Specialty".  Written on the bottom of the image in pencil is "Copy from old picture".  Looks like Captain Crawford had his Civil War photograph made into a cabinet card!
Minute Men. — Word being received at Indianapolis on the evening of July 8, 1863, that a force of 6,000 cavalry under Morgan had crossed the Ohio river near Mauckport and was moving on Corydon, a call was issued for citizens to organize for defense. Within 48 hours 65,000 men had tendered their services. From this number regiments 102 to 114 inclusive, and one battalion were organized, the battalion being assigned to the 107th.

One Hundred and Sixth Indiana Infantry. — Col., Isaac P. Gray; Lieut. -Col., John A. Haines; Maj., Thomas M. Browne. This regiment was organized with nine companies of minute men and a company of the Legion. Five companies were from Wayne county, two from Randolph, and one each from Hancock, Howard and Marion counties. The regiment was organized July 12, 1863, with 792 men rank and file, and left Indianapolis on the night of the 13th, reaching Hamilton, Ohio, the next morning. It proceeded to Cincinnati, and then returned to Indianapolis, where it was mustered out July 18, 1863.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $65.00 USD

80th Illinois Infantry KIA Identified Albumen

A great albumen of William R. West, 80th Illinois Infantry.  West was wounded November 25, 1863 at the battle of Missionary Ridge in the Chattanooga Campaign.  He died on December 2, 1863 from his wounds.  This large format photograph has West seated with his arm resting on a table.  He is wearing a frock coat and Union vest.  A large bushy beard is located on West's face.  The image is approximately 8 inches by 6 3/4 inches.  The card is approximately 8 7/8 inches by 6 3/4 inches.  Written on the back of the image in pencil is "William Robinson West" and "80th Ills.".  The 80th Illinois Infantry fought at Perryville, KY.  They were mounted in April, 1863 and at Blount's Farm on May 2, 1863, promptly captured by General Forrest.  After their exchange the unit participated in the Chattanooga campaign.  William West didn't make it any further.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $285.00 USD

Spanish American Soldiers on Point Lookout Cabinet

A great cabinet card of four Spanish American soldiers sitting and standing on Umbrella Rock on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. The photograph has a Hardie Bros. - Lookout Mountain back mark.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $45.00 USD

Lookout Mountain Battlefield Cabinet Card

A very nice cabinet card of the Lookout Mountain battlefield and the Tennessee River with Chattanooga in the background. Written on the bottom of the card in gold ink is "Mocassin Bend and Lookout Battlefield". The backmark on the card is "Hardie Bros. Photographers, Sunset Rock, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.". The card is approximately 8 1/2 inches by 5 1/8 inches.

Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price: $38.00 USD

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Indiana Soldier holding a Saxhorn CDV

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